Tofu and Fin must be the luckiest rats in the world. Not only do they live on the beautiful Island of Hawaii , but they are also not confined to a treadmill in a cage, like most other pet rats - Instead these one-year olds get to surf on the beautiful beaches, on their own custom-made surfboards.

It all began when their owner, 14-year old Boomer Hodel, an avid surfer, took the duo to the beach to give them a 'bath'. They loved the water and since they are both good swimmers, Boomer decided to bring them back and teach them a few surfing tricks. They were a little shaky at first, but once they got the hang of it, became as hooked as their master is.

Now Tofu and Fin, visit the beach twice a week, where they surf up to 20 minutes at a time, before Boomer brings them to shore to dry off. Boomer says that the rats have become so good that they even ride tunnels of water, known in surfing lingo as tubes - which most human surfers can't do.

The two rats are even on a special high protein, low carbohydrate surfer's diet, to enhance their performance. Recently, when one of Boomer's surfboards snapped in half, he and a couple of his friends turned the two pieces into specialized 1ft surfboards for the two rodents.

The three have become very popular at the Laniakea Beach, where scores of visitors show up to watch them in action. In fact, it was here that Hawaiian photographer Clarke Little, took all these stunning photos. He said that at first he couldn't believe his eyes when he saw the rats surfing - but they were awfully good and seemed to be having an amazing time.

Tofu and Fin are pet rats or fancy rats, a breed of the domesticated brown rats. These rats live up to three years and are considered highly intelligent and can be taught to perform a variety of tricks, including jumping through hoops and rolling a small barrel - and now they can add surfing to that list!
