Mexico City Airport (Photo Credit: ProtoplasmaKid / Wikimedia Commons / CC-BY-SA 4.0

HiroshiHiroshi Nohara has been in Mexico City for three months. But this 40-year old Japanese tourist has yet to experience any of Mexico's splendor. Instead, he has been mesmerized by the airport's Terminal One.

Hiroshi, who flew into Mexico City on September 2nd with a tourist visa and a return ticket, has never left the terminal. Turning it into his temporary home, he spends his days walking around and the nights sleeping on one of the chairs. He survives off food donated to him by passengers and fast-food restaurants at the terminal. He hasn't had a shower since he arrived, and his hair is starting to look a little disheveled.

Hiroshi realizes what he is doing is weird, but for some reason he just can't get himself to leave.

Officials from Japan and Mexico have tried to persuade him, but he remains stubborn. Since he has a valid visa until March 2009 and is not doing anything illegal, they can't force him either.

Meanwhile, Hiroshi has become quite a celebrity. Tourists take photos with him and ask for autographs. He has received gifts of coffee mugs and hats from souvenir shops at the airport and has appeared on several T.V. shows.

There is a lot of speculation about Hiroshi's true motive for doing this. Some believe he is searching for love, while others believe he is just emulating actor Tom Hanks in the movie The Terminal, which has a similar theme. But until Hiroshi Nohara tells the world his real reason, it remains an unsolved mystery!

Sources: Reuters India,