Kids News - Current Events

Video Of The Week - The Amazing Google Goggles

Over the past few months, there has been a lot of speculation about search giant Google's development of goggles so advanced, that it would be like walking around with a...

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London Zoo Penguins Get Into The Olympic Spirit

It is quite normal for cities to go a little overboard during Olympic years, but London, the host of the upcoming 2012 Summer Olympics seems to have to have taken it to a...

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It's Friday The 13th . . . . . Are You Afraid?

While some people (think Taylor Swift) consider the number 13 lucky, for most it seems to indicate dire news or events especially, when it falls on a Friday. Today, happe...

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Will Blowing Air At Space Help Clean Up Debris?

Thanks to the consecutive issues with falling Space debris and the recent near miss by NASA scientists, removing Space junk is rapidly becoming a top priority for scienti...

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