Kids News - Current Events

Eight-Grader Pulls Off The Ultimate Football Fake Out!

A Texas eight-grader and his football coach are making the headlines this week, for pulling off what will probably go down as one of the most amazing and hilarious tricks...

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Video Of The Week - Jetman Rossy's Latest Stunt

Yves Rossy A.K.A. Jet-Man, the Swiss adventurer who has pulled of some amazing flying stunts with the help of his winged jet pack was at it again last week.

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Look Ma No Cavities! Shanghai Zoo Hippos Get A Toothbrush

The hippos at the Shanghai Zoo in China will no longer have any reason to fear a visit from the dentist. That's because the zoo officials have finally built a special fou...

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Venezuelan Swimmer Smashes Free Diving Record

Earlier this week, Venezuelan free diver Carlos Coste swam his way into the Guinness Book of Records by diving to a depth of 492ft. (150 meters) without using any breathi...

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The Cats' House Is Paws-itively Fabulous!

To say that Bob Walker and Francis Mooney like cats is an understatement - Not only have the couple adopted nine cats, but they have also converted their home, The Cats'...

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Wish To Improve Your Math Skills? Zap Your Brain!

Want to improve your Math skills without working hard? Simply zap the brain with a weak current of electricity and voila, all your (math) problems will be solved! At leas...

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China's Incredible Future Floating Village

Imagine a world where everything is floating - One where instead of stepping on firm ground, you swim or sail out? Believe it or not, that's exactly what the residents of...

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