Kids News - Current Events

Exercise The Power Of Your Brain With Mindflex!

Nintendo's Wii was the first gaming device that got gamers off their couches and using their muscles - Now Mattel's Mindflex intends to do the same, with what is sometime...

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German Artist Shores Up Crumbling Walls With Lego Bricks

For the last three years, 26-year old German artist, Jan Vormann has been a man on a mission - Patching up old historical walls all over the world, with colorful Lego bri...

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Transform Your Palm Into A Touchscreen!

A cool new technology being developed by researchers at Carnegie Mellon University and Microsoft Corp., promises to revolutionize the way we communicate, play music and g...

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Why Do We 'Spring Forward'?

On the second Sunday of every March, a majority of the countries in the Northern Hemisphere adjust their clocks, moving them ahead an hour, a tradition that dates all the...

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Lucky Toddler Gets 'Trapped' Inside A Candy Machine

Imagine being trapped inside an arcade machine filled with toys and candy - Impossible? Think again! That's exactly what happened to little Cohen Stone, except the toddle...

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Mexican Billionaire Carlos Slim Is The Richest Man On Earth!

After reigning the roost for 14 of the last 15 years, Microsoft tycoon, Bill Gates, has finally been usurped by Mexican billionaire Carlos Slim, as the World's richest ma...

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