Kids News - Animals Articles

An Elephant That Speaks Korean? . . . . . . Hmmmm!

Elephants have been known to do many things - Paint, calculate math problems, wash cars and in some cases even whistle and imitate sounds. But actually speak a language ? That is a first and until now thought to be impossible given that the mighty mammals cannot use their lips to make sounds like humans, because their upper lips and noses are fused together to form their trunks. However, one elephant in South Korea seems to be defying all logic and odds!...

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An Elephant That Speaks Korean? . . . . . . Hmmmm!

Mice - The New Singing Sensations?

You know that squeak you hear from your pet mouse or the pest rodent that is raiding your pantry? Turns out it is not really a squeak, but a sweet melody sung by male mice to attract females. This is the conclusion reached by evolutionary biologist Dustin Penn and his team at the Veterinary University of Vienna in Austria....

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Mice - The New Singing Sensations?

Perfectly Preserved Woolly Mammoth Provides New Hope Of Resurrecting The Mighty Mammal

Resurrecting pre-historic animals that roamed the Earth's surface thousands of years ago, has been something scientists have been fantasizing about for many years. However in most cases, it is just not possible either because the DNA is not available or in the case of an animal like the dinosaur, is just too old. The one exception may be the Woolly Mammoth that lived during the Ice Age, about 8,000 years ago....

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Perfectly Preserved Woolly Mammoth Provides New Hope Of Resurrecting The Mighty Mammal

Meet Venus, The World's Only Known Two-Faced Cat

Referring to someone as 'two-faced', usually means he/she is deceitful or insincere. But Venus the cat is neither - She actually has . . . . . . Two faces! Completely black on the right and completely ginger on the left. What's even more amazing is that even her eye colors are different - blue on the ginger side and green on the black side....

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Meet Venus, The World's Only Known Two-Faced Cat