Kids News - Art Articles

Canadian Artist Automates Chinese Calligraphy

Derived from the Greek word Kallos (beautiful) and graphe (writing), Calligraphy is the art of beautiful lettering - One that takes some practice and dedication. While in the Western world, such painstaking lettering is reserved for special occasions like weddings and graduations, in China, older men go through great lengths etching beautiful lettering on gravel roads using giant paint brushes and water - Only to see it disappear in a few minutes....

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Canadian Artist Automates Chinese Calligraphy

Buildings Twinkle With 'Green' UrbanTiles

With buildings getting taller by the day, the cost of keeping them illuminated during the night is not only soaring, but also, a complete waste of valuable resources. Now, an Israeli designer has come up with a brilliant idea - Tiles that act as energy absorbers during the day and light emitters at night....

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Buildings Twinkle With 'Green' UrbanTiles

New York's Million Dollar 'Smurf' House

While this mushroom-like structure looks like it jumped right out of smurf village, it is a real-life house in Rochester, New York. It was designed by local architect James H. John who was not inspired by the fungi it resembles, but by the stem of Queen Anne’s Lace, a wild plant related to the carrot family....

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New York's Million Dollar 'Smurf' House

California's 'Man Made' Glass Beach

If you happen to be driving along Northern California's Mendocino coast, you will come across a very unusual stretch of coastline - One where the shimmer comes not from the pure-white sand but pieces of glass - Welcome to Fort Bragg's man-made Glass Beach!...

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California's 'Man Made' Glass Beach

A Scarecrow Festival Like None Other!

There are numerous scarecrow festivals that take place all around the world - However, very few take it to the level that the folks in the tiny North Yorkshire village of Kettlewell do - Here, the scarecrows are not just random figures on twigs, but recognizable pop stars, soccer players and even, royalty....

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A Scarecrow Festival Like None Other!

Have You Spotted The Missing 'Is Land'?

If you happen to see a giant island floating around in the skies above you, don't panic - It is not a portion of earth come loose - Just a very realistic looking work of art that has gone astray, thanks to some mischievous youngsters....

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Have You Spotted The Missing 'Is Land'?