Kids News - Earth Articles

Gold Grows On Trees? Sweet!

While you may never find money growing on trees, there is a chance that you could strike gold - literally! The best part is that the precious metal bearing trees are not in some far out planet, but right here on earth, in the Australian Outback....

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Gold Grows On Trees? Sweet!

Experts Scramble To Try Save The Ancient City Of Mohenjo Daro

With its intricate layout, incredible architecture and advanced water and sewage systems, the 5000-year-old city of Mohenjo Daro in the province of Sindh in Pakistan, was once hailed as oldest and best preserved ancient cities ever found. Now, this amazing monument of our past, is in danger of disappearing completely, unless something is done soon....

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Experts Scramble To Try Save The Ancient City Of Mohenjo Daro

Is The Namib Desert 'Fairy Circles' Mystery Finally Solved?

Similar to the giant crop circles that sporadically appear in different parts of the world, strange grass circles that mysteriously emerge in South Africa's Namib Desert have dumbfounded both locals and scientists for many years. Measuring between 6 - 40 feet across, each 'fairy circle' is outlined by a ring of vegetation taller, than the surrounding grassland....

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Is The Namib Desert 'Fairy Circles' Mystery Finally Solved?

The World's Happiest Nations Are . . .

Just like beauty, happiness is very subjective - What makes one person happy does not necessarily work for another. Yet there are various agencies that attempt to gauge the happiness of entire nations using disparate criteria. The most recent 'World Happiness Report' was released by the United Nations on September 9th and without further ado, here are the results . . ....

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The World's Happiest Nations Are . . .

Are Coral Reefs Adapting to Climate Change?

A few weeks ago, scientists reported that climate change might actually be helping California's ancient redwoods thrive. Now there seems to be more positive news - This time about the coral in our oceans whose population has been severely impacted in last few decades by rising temperatures and ocean acidification, disease and human carelessness....

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Are Coral Reefs Adapting to Climate Change?

Eureka! Climate Change Is Good For California's Ancient Trees!

Climate change always seems to be about things going wrong - The Arctic is melting faster, sea water levels are rising rapidly . . . and the list goes on. Now finally there is some good news. According to a team of experts led by Emily Burns, Science Director at Calfornia's Save the Redwoods League, it is actually helping the world's tallest trees thrive....

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Eureka! Climate Change Is Good For California's Ancient Trees!

Could Undersea Hot Springs Hold The Key To Understanding The Origins Of Life?

While scientists know that the first life found on Earth almost three billion years ago began with the simplest form, its origins still remains a mystery. Sure Charles Darwin's theory of Evolution by means of Natural Selection presented in his 1859 book 'The Origin of Species' sounds plausible, but it still does not explain how that first living microorganism came into being. A team of scientists led by University of California Santa Cruz Professor Andrew Fisher believe that an unusual ecosystem located at the bottom of our oceans may provide some clues....

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Could Undersea Hot Springs Hold The Key To Understanding The Origins Of Life?