Kids News - Insects Articles

World's First Eyeless Spider Discovered in Southeast Asia

Just when scientists think they have discovered and recorded every species of insect that crawls the earth they find something new. Earlier this month, Peter Jager, the head of arachnology at Frankfurt's Senckenberg Research Institute reported the discovery of a unique spider that has adapted to its dark environment by simply doing away with of all of its eight eyes!...

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World's First Eyeless Spider Discovered in Southeast Asia

This Summer - Transform 'Nuisance' Ghost Ants Into Beautiful Gems

While to most of us ants are just tiny annoying insects that seem to come in droves whenever they sense something sweet, the household pests are quite fascinating - They have a naturally built-in GPS system that allows them to navigate their way, the ability to morph into 'living rafts' to survive floods and now it turns out that with a little help from humans, some of them can even be transformed into colorful gems....

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This Summer - Transform 'Nuisance' Ghost Ants Into Beautiful Gems

Asia's Atlas Is A Giant Among Moths

When we think of moths, the image of the dull-looking brown cloth moth, notorious for gnawing through our finest outfits, is usually what pops up in our minds. However, turns out that there are about 16,000 species of these insects, nearly ten times as many as their prettier cousin, the butterfly....

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Asia's Atlas Is A Giant Among Moths

Why Ants Never Lose Their Way

Ants are industrious little insects that always seem to know where they are heading - Now, a team of curious researchers from the Technical University of Munich and Brazilian Center for Physics Research believe they may have the answer - It's all to do with their in-built GPS systems....

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Why Ants Never Lose Their Way

Fire Ants Morph Into 'Living Rafts' To Survive Floods

Living creatures adapt to their environment in all kinds of ways, in order to survive. Some camouflage themselves to blend in, while others learn to survive on arsenic substances. The biggest hazard to survival for the South American red ants is the constant flooding - So they get around it, by holding onto each other and floating away on their 'living' rafts....

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Fire Ants Morph Into 'Living Rafts' To Survive Floods

How Do Fleas Jump So High? It's All In The Toes!

Did you know that fleas, those tiny blood-sucking parasites that make your pet's life miserable, can leap as high as 13-inches (200 times their own body weight), with an acceleration force that exceeds 100 times the force of gravity? Believe it or not, some of the world's leading scientists have not only known that, but have also pondered and debated about it, for the last 44 years....

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How Do Fleas Jump So High? It's All In The Toes!

Get Up Close And Personal With 'Micro Monsters'

The world is awash with insects and parasites - While we are familiar with some like spiders and worms, others like aphids and bed bugs are not so apparent to the naked eye. Now zoologist Tom Jackson brings some of these rather terrifying looking creatures to life, in a book called 'Micro Monsters' - a title that is self-explanatory once you see the pictures....

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Get Up Close And Personal With 'Micro Monsters'