Today April 22nd, 2011 is Earth Day - an international day of observance of environmental issues. First celebrated in North America on April 22, 1970, it is now acknowledged globally with millions of people participating each year. However, while for most people the celebration is a one-day affair, here are some folks who make every day, an Earth Day!

Madison Stump - Paper Again

13-year old Madison Stump has 'green' in her blood - Brought up in a family that is constantly striving for new ways to recycle and reuse, it is no wonder that this young entrepreneur came with a 'green' idea for her business, Paper Again. Click here to read more.

Paula Sunshine - Wattle & Daub

This expert restorer of old homes uses a strange green material to strengthen and insulate residences and buildings - hair. While a little unusual, it is very effective and definitely very environmentally friendly. Click here to read more.

Pete Bethune - Earthrace

New Zealand resident Peter Bethune and his wife felt so strongly about building a powerboat that could run completely on biodiesel fuel, that they mortgaged their home to raise the initial capital. Soon other like-minded people joined in and the result was this alien-shaped, environmentally friendly boat that circumvented the globe in a record 60 days, 23 hours and 49 minutes, almost ten days faster than the previous record holder, operating on normal fuel. Click here to read more.

Nele Azevedo - Ice Sculptures

This Brazilian artist highlights the Earth's global warming issues doing what she does best - sculpting. Her outdoor Melting Men exhibits, held all around the world, do an amazing job of highlighting the big issue that is affecting all of us. Click here to read more.

Lewis Gordon Pugh - Human Polar Bear

South African born Lewis Pugh is also very concerned about global warming - His way of demonstrating how much the Earth has warmed up in the last few decades is by swimming, in some of the coldest regions of the world - Something he believes would have been impossible in the past. Click here to read more.

These are just a few examples of people who are doing what they can to help raise global awareness of the issues facing us. What's interesting is that they are doing it in a way that incorporates their passion - Be it motorboat racing or sculpting or wanting to be an entrepreneur and showing the world that you can follow any dream you have, without polluting the environment. We hope you too can pursue your passion in an environmentally friendly manner. Happy Earth Day!