Kids News - Fun Articles

The World's Longest Yard Sale

If you happen to be near Gladsen, Alabama, West Unity, Ohio or - anywhere in between this week, plan on staying a few extra days - For that is what it will take to look f...

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Getting Down And Dirty At The Swamp Soccer World Cup

While the rules may be similar, the terrain is not, for there are no well-manicured fields for these soccer players - In fact the muddier and slicker the terrain, the bet...

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Keeping Cool In Summer

Ah, the sweltering days of summer are finally upon us - time for those popsicles and water sprinklers to come out - not for us though, but for animals that also feel the...

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And The Rules Are . . . . . . . . Meant To Be Broken?

We all know how difficult it is to always follow the rules. However, as these hilarious pictures will show you, sometimes it may just be the right thing to do!

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A Museum Dedicated To The Creator Of Mickey Mouse

While the life of Mickey, Minnie and the rest of the Disney characters is well documented, very little is known about the genius behind them - That will all change in Oct...

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Nano Soccer

From June 29th to July 5th 2009, 2,300 people from 44 nations brought their robotic creations to compete in the annual Robocop Soccer Championships, the largest and most...

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'You Have The Right To Remain Glazed'

American policeman are known for two things - their love for donuts and their desire to 'protect and serve'. Now a team of cops have brought the two together by becoming...

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