Kids News - Fun Articles

San Francisco's Big Wheel Race

It has been described as a race that could be conceived, executed and be popular only in a city like where residents are game for anything that is fun and a little crazy...

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Malia And Sasha Finally Get Their Puppy!

After months of searching, Malia and Sasha have finally found their puppy - a six month-old Portuguese Water Dog. Little Bo is a mop of curly black fur with sprinkles of...

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Coming Soon - A Special Car For Your Pooch

Is your pooch cramped and uncomfortable in the car? Is having to jump in and out hurting its back? Does it need privacy? Then you will be delighted to hear that car manuf...

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JellyBean Counter Strikes Gold Twice!

Jessica Silverman was just five years old when she won her first jellybean-guessing contest. Her prize then was a stuffed toy dragon. Seventeen years later, she has done...

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This Cutie May Be The World's Smallest Dog

This cute little black and tan puppy, may soon earn the title of the world's smallest dog from the folks at the Guinness Book of Records - that is, if he doesn't grow any...

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Sorry Folks, The Dog Ate It All

'Sorry Folks, the dog ate it all' - While that excuse would be tough to pull off with a straight face, when it comes from a Prime Minister, the guests have no choice but...

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Signs That Make You Go - HUH?

We have all come across signs that make us wonder what they were thinking, when they put it up. Here are some fun ones that are sure to make you say - Huh, or should we s...

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While April 1st, better known as April Fool's Day, is technically not a holiday, it is a favorite day for many a child or child at heart. It is believed that April Fool's...

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