Kids News - Science Articles

Time Cloak Can Make 'Events' Simply Vanish!

Got caught taking that last cookie from the jar or glancing at a neighbor's paper during a mid-term? How often have you wished you could simply make that moment vanish? B...

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Self-Cleaning Jeans Could Be In Your Future!

Imagine if 'doing' laundry meant wearing your dirty clothes and lounging in the sun. If researchers from China's Shanghai Jiao Tong University and Hubei University of Nat...

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Scientists Discover First Ever 'Soldier' Bee

Honeybee hive hierarchy is well documented - The queen bee gives birth to every bee in the hive, drones mate with the queen and immediately die or get kicked out, while w...

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AGNES Allows The Young To Experience Instant 'Aging'

Most of us have at some point or another become impatient with a 'slow, bumbling' elderly adult or a grandparent 'moaning' about aches and pains. Would we be as dismissiv...

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Caterpillars Spin 'Tougher Than Steel' Silk

Recreating spider silk, the flexible yet tough as steel strands of protein, spun by the arachnids, has been the holy grail of material scientists for many years now. Howe...

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The First Day Of Winter (Or Summer) Is Here

Depending on the hemisphere you live in late today or early tomorrow - December 22nd, will be the first day of Winter or Summer. Also known as Winter (Summer) Solstice it...

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Coke Zero And Mentos - The New Alternative Fuel?

The Coke Zero and Mentos experiment has come a long way since its humble beginning. However, while people have tried various variations of the experiment, very few have t...

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Namib Beetle Inspires Award-Winning Invention

A young Australian is $15,000 USD richer and the proud winner of this year's prestigious James Dyson award, thanks to an invention that was inspired by the small Namib be...

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