Kids News - Science Articles

Mystery Of Missing Satellite Debris Finally Solved

Last week, people all over the world fretted over the fact that NASA's 6.5 ton Upper Atmosphere Research Satellite (UARS) was hurtling back to earth and the Space Agency...

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Queen Bees Are Born To Rule!

The hierarchical structure that exists within bee colonies has always been a source of fascination for researchers. The biggest mystery? With tens of thousands of identic...

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Who Knew Crows Were This Smart?

The reason humans are considered to be at the top of the food chain is to do with inteligence, which is measured by their ability to build and use complex tools to solve...

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Philippine Residents Finally See The (Day)Light!

Access to cheap and plentiful electricity is something most of us take for granted. However, such is not the case in many parts of the world, especially in third world co...

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World's Tiniest Electric Motor Is . . . . Invisible!

A team of chemists from Tufts University in Massachussets has developed an electric motor so tiny, that it can not be seen with the naked eye! Made from one single molecu...

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