Kids News - Science Articles

Future Ford Vehicles May Feature Some Fungus!

If Green Island, NY based start-up Ecovative Design and US car manufacturer Ford have their way, you will soon have a new option to choose from - mycelium filled bumper,...

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New Research Reveals Big Earthquakes Are NOT Related

With major earthquakes striking three continents since 2010, there is speculation about where the next big one will be. Since they all occurred along the 40,000km horesho...

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Eureka! Elephants Are Really Smart!

Researchers from the Department of experimental psychology at England's Cambridge University recently revealed that the mighty elephant is not only strong, but intelligen...

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NASA's MESSENGER Successfully Enters Mercury's Orbit

It took NASA's spacecraft, MErcury Surface, Space ENvironment, Geochemistry and Ranging, AKA MESSENGER, six and a half years and some clever maneuvering - But on Thursday...

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Will Cloning Ancient Trees Help Cleanse Our Planet?

When faced with natural disasters like the ones that just occurred in Japan, it brings to the forefront the question that is constantly at the back of everyone's mind. Ha...

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