Kids News - Science Articles

Humpback Whale's Record Breaking Migration

A female humpback whale has managed to swim herself into the record books, by migrating a distance of 6,125 miles or almost a quarter of the globe and about twice the dis...

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Will Drilling Into A Volcano Save Naples?

Naples, the capital of Campania, Italy, is known for many things - It's rich history, culture, architecture, music and most importantly, for inventing pizza. However, the...

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This Lizard Runs On Water - Really!

On a sunny day the Basilisk, named after a mythical Greek character with magical powers, looks like any common lizard as it basks in the tropical forests of South and Cen...

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Ozone Layer On Its Way To Recovery

Given the constant barrage of grim press about global warming, it is nice to hear some positive news. Earlier this week, a newly released report indicated that our deplet...

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The New Caledonia Crow Is No 'Bird Brain'

For the longest time, scientists believed that humans were the only ones who had the intelligence to build and use complex tools to solve day-to-day issues. However, rece...

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Need A New Shirt? Spray It On

Imagine if you could wear a new shirt to school every morning and even better - it is a one-of-a-kind creation. Think that's just a pipe dream? Not if Spanish designer Ma...

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