Kids News - Articles for Grades 5-5

Will An Amazon Drone Be Delivering Your Package Anytime Soon? You Decide!

On Sunday, December 1st, Jeff Bezos the founder and CEO of retail giant Amazon sent shock waves across the nation with his announcement that within a few years, the company would be using aerial drones to make deliveries. Called Amazon Prime Air, it will be available to transport packages of up to five pounds within a ten miles radius of one of the company's numerous fulfillment centers....

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Will An Amazon Drone Be Delivering Your Package Anytime Soon? You Decide!

How The Ingenious Mushroom Creates Its Own Microclimate

When words like 'complex machines' and 'ingenious engineers' are used to describe something, the last thing that comes to mind is the drab mushroom, the fleshy, spore-bearing fruiting body of a fungus. But that is exactly what Emilie Dressaire, professor of experimental fluid mechanics from Trinity College in Hartford, Connecticut, is calling them after discovering that these amazing toadstools possess the capability of creating their own microclimate....

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How The Ingenious Mushroom Creates Its Own Microclimate

Happy Hanukkah Or Should We Say 'Thanksgivukkah'

On Thursday, Jewish families residing in the US are in for a double treat - Thanksgiving and the first full day of Hanukkah, which begins today (November 27th), at sundown. Also known as the Festival of Lights, the last time these two special celebrations coincided was in 1888 and the next? Probably not for at least another 77,798 years, which means that for those that observe both, this is a once in a lifetime celebration!...

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Happy Hanukkah Or Should We Say 'Thanksgivukkah'