Kids News - Articles for Grades 8-8

Newsflash! Cows Have Favorite Playlists Too!

We all know that music has the power to comfort us when we are frazzled or distressed. Can it do the same for animals? In 2001, University of Leicester researchers decided to test this by exposing dairy cows to different genres of music. They discovered that certain types of music helped cows produce 3% more milk than those that only heard the jarring sounds of milking machines....

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Newsflash! Cows Have Favorite Playlists Too!

The Ingenious Stork's Bill Seed Plants Itself!

Plants typically use one of three methods to disperse seeds - wind, water, or animals. Not the Erodium cicutarium or as it is often called "stork's bill." This dynamic plant uses a powerful mechanism called "ballistic dispersal," to transport its seeds over 500 yards away. Though that is certainly impressive what happens after, is even more so....

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The Ingenious Stork's Bill Seed Plants Itself!

Brace Yourselves - April Fool's Day Is Almost Here!

Brace yourselves - It's almost April 1st, the one day of the year when pulling a light-hearted prank is not frowned upon. Also known as April Fool's Day, the origins of this fun tradition are a little sketchy. Some believe that the light-hearted fun began in 1852 when the world transitioned from the Julian calendar (which began the New Year in April) to today's Gregorian calendar. Others think it was to celebrate the change of seasons....

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Brace Yourselves - April Fool's Day Is Almost Here!

It's Almost Earth Hour! Use Your Power To Help The Planet

Today the world will celebrate Earth Hour. This means that millions of people across twenty-four time zones and six continents will switch off all lights and turn off all electronics for an hour, from 8.30-9.30 pm local time. While it may seem trivial, this small action will make more than a symbolic difference in our battle against climate change....

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It's Almost Earth Hour! Use Your Power To Help The Planet

Butterfly Wings: More Than Meets the Eye

For humans seeing butterflies fluttering around with their beautiful brightly colored wings is a joyful sight. However not for their natural predators like lizards, spiders, and birds. To them, the vibrant hues are a reminder of a bad-tasting species that are best avoided. For those not easily duped, some butterflies also have eyespots on their wings. According to researchers, this tricks would-be predators into thinking that the insect is a larger animal, like an owl....

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Butterfly Wings: More Than Meets the Eye