cutiepie227's Activity (355)

  • brooklynj
    brooklynjis now following yellowcake.
    Almost 3 years ago
  • brooklynj
    brooklynjis now following night_song.
    Almost 3 years ago
  • brooklynj
    brooklynjis now following b18.
    Almost 3 years ago
  • brooklynj
    brooklynj added a new comment in
    I go to so many museums and see many dinosaurs they are so cool! I like this to learn about them! Witch dinosaur is yalls favorite? My favorite is the long neck it is nice and vegetarian just like me! This is really cool! The dinosaur was laying on its eggs so they do not get hurt sooooo cute! I really like learning about dinosaurs and its cool how they found the bones of the babys in there own eggs! Like this is really cool! LIKE REALLLYYYY COOOOLLL! Thanks Dogo for making my day! ALRIGH HAVE A GREAT DAY EVERY BODY!
    Almost 3 years ago
  • brooklynj
    brooklynj added a news bookmark.
    The beauty of love is that it can happen with the most unexpected person in the most unlikely of places. In the case of a one-year-old stray puppy in Duplin County, North Caroli...
    Almost 3 years ago
  • brooklynj
    brooklynj added a news bookmark.
    The annual 3-to 4-millimeter rise in sea levels is expected to impact many coastal communities in the coming decades. However, few are as vulnerable as the Republic of the Maldi...
    Almost 3 years ago
  • brooklynj
    brooklynj added a news bookmark.
    Researchers worldwide are celebrating the discovery of the fossil of an adult oviraptorosaur brooding over a nest of eggs containing unhatched babies.  The unprecedented discove...
    Almost 3 years ago
  • brooklynj
    brooklynjis now following mojycuky-160004979344.
    Almost 3 years ago
  • brooklynj
    brooklynjis now following lawpeagamer.
    Almost 3 years ago
  • brooklynj
    brooklynj added a new comment in
    It can't be! We will have to change all the flags to 51 stars and even change the name! KEEP IT HOW IT IS!I grew up like this don't change it! I want 50 states and I'm fine with that! Like who else agrees with me it will be hard work! The flags tell it all! Think about it back in the past was us all the wars and how they used the same flags 50 stars and 13 stripes and can't just change the past NOOOO! Keep it the same keep America the same!I want America to stay the same! If they make it the same I will just cry come on it will change the past!
    Almost 3 years ago

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