hippychick124's Activity (436)

  • bean_boy
    bean_boy added a new comment in
    Over 5 years ago
  • bean_boy
    bean_boy added a news bookmark.
    At sundown on December 2, Jewish families worldwide will mark the first day of Hanukkah by lighting a candle on a special menorah. The eight-day celebration, which will end on D...
    Over 5 years ago
  • bean_boy
    bean_boyliked a comment in National Geographic Kids Book Club.
    OMIGOSH U R BACK!!! Heyo! Awesome hearing from you!!! 1: Yes I agree exactly! I don't have a phone and I am only allowed a certain amount of non-homework time on my computer. Being outdoors and also indoors but without tech is great! 2: I agree! 3: That is a good point. I hope that the people following me are following me for what I say not because I asked (I don't think I asked....) Also same here! I found other stuff that takes up a lot of my time-mostly honor bands, drawing, and BOOKS! Once again, nice hearing from ya bean_boy! (IKR I'm also in 8th grade but for me it's not as busy as it sounds like for other people...)
    Over 5 years ago
  • bean_boy
    bean_boyliked a comment in National Geographic Kids Book Club.
    Very nice observations @bean_boy!
    Over 5 years ago
  • bean_boy
    bean_boyliked a comment in National Geographic Kids Book Club.
    I don't have a phone, but all of my friends are constantly on it when they come over to my house. We went downstairs for a party in my room, and they didn't even look up from their phones! I totally hear you!
    Over 5 years ago
  • bean_boy
    bean_boyliked a comment in National Geographic Kids Book Club.
    I agree with all of this, I recently got my phone last year and have barely used it, so honestly I don't see why everyone needs it so much if most could live without it
    Over 5 years ago
  • bean_boy
    bean_boyliked a comment in National Geographic Kids Book Club.
    bean_boy observations......... 1. Kids (and adults) these days rely too much on the use of iPhones . Stop. Enjoy your surroundings. PULL YOURSELF OUT OF THE VIRTUAL WORLD. 2. Lots of bullying happens on the Web, report and tell your guardians. It's for your own good. 3. Dogo is a "Knowledge-gaining/based" website not social media like instagram. Stop begging for followers. People follow you if they enjoy your content, not because you keep asking. Question-Do you really need a iPhone? I don't have one and I enjoy life as it is. Boom, Bing, Bam. From up North it's ya daily dose of bean_boy! (PS I haven't been on for a while because of school- Gr. 8 is busy)
    Over 5 years ago
  • bean_boy
    bean_boy replied to a comment in
    Just be there at the right time. You have to be lucky. If you are on right when the writers post, you get it!
    Over 5 years ago
  • bean_boy
    bean_boy replied to a comment in
    1. Mr.Lee-Fee 2. Making your human waste into money 3. Trumpet:Too many to say 4. Your positive vibes 5. A mirror where you chose what you can wear and purchase more things
    Over 5 years ago
  • bean_boy
    bean_boy replied to a comment in
    Plz stop begging for followers its quite petty this is a book club and site to gain knowledge not a social media platform
    Over 5 years ago

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