Kids News - Animals Articles

Bumble Bees Like To Play With Toys Too!

Bumble bees have a reputation for being industrious creatures. The insects are known to spend their days collecting pollen and nectar from flowers. But a new study from t...

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Hairless Baby Opossum Gets A New Wardrobe

Over the years, the caretakers at the Southern Plains Wildlife Rehabilitation Center (SPWRC) in Lubbock, Texas, have sheltered hundreds of species of orphaned and injured...

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Groundhogs Predict An Early Spring!

Tired of winter? Then, you will be delighted to know that spring is around the corner. On February 2, 2024, aka Groundhog Day, legendary woodchuck Punxsutawney Phil faile...

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30-Year-Old Bobi Is The World's Oldest Dog Ever!

A 30-year-old farm dog named Bobi has just been recognized by Guinness World Records as "the oldest dog living." The February 1, 2023, announcement came just two weeks af...

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Smart Orangutan Uses Medicinal Plant To Heal Wound

A Sumatran orangutan named Rakus has stunned researchers by treating a cheek wound with a medicinal plant. The male primate, believed to be about 35 years old, lives in G...

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