Kids News - Fun Articles

Taiwanese Designer's Clothing Line Shines - Literally!

With so many world-class designers flaunting their creativity especially on a runaway like Paris, it is tough for any one to really stand out. However, at this year's fas...

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Now This, Is A Real Monster Slipper

When Todd Boddingham ordered monster design slippers from an online retailer, he did not really expect them to be monster sized too. But that's exactly what showed up at...

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Video Of The Week - The Ultimate Tribute To Mr. Steve Jobs

On October 5th 2011, the world lost one of the most profound visionaries of our times - Mr. Steve Jobs. The founder of Apple Inc. did not invent computers, tablets or pho...

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Boo Mania Sweeps Over America (And The World)!

Who has the world's chicest hairstyle, over 2 million Facebook fans, a best-selling book and, is a favorite among celebrities? No its not Justin Bieber, but a five year o...

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Video Of The Week - Happy Columbus Day

While many countries all over the world celebrate the arrival of Spanish adventurer Christopher Columbus to America, the date and name varies depending on the continent....

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Video Of The Week - Laughter, The Best Medicine?

While there are all kinds of medical breakthroughs being announced everyday, researchers have always maintained that the best cure for a lot of our woes is something that...

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The Amazing Tale Behind Winter's Bionic Tail

While hundreds of movies are made each year, only a handful are truly memorable - One of the most recent examples is 'Dolphin Tale', the fascinating story about a Bottlen...

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