Kids News - Science Articles

Video Of The Week - This Is Brain Surgery?

Mention brain surgery and images of a patient lying deeply unconscious with doctors carefully trying to cut through the nerves, comes to mind. However, this certainly doe...

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Giant QE2 Asteroid Zips Past Earth At A Safe Distance

The announcement of a large asteroid zipping by earth is always met with a lot of excitement and some apprehension - Especially, given the several close encounters we hav...

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Will RoboBees Help Alleviate The Loss Of Honey Bees?

Though scientists have known about Colony-Collapse Disorder, the phrase used to describe the untimely deaths of millions of honey bees across the globe for many years, no...

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Will 3-D Printers Be The Key To Ending World Hunger?

3-D printers are certainly the buzz today - They are being put to all kinds of uses, ranging from creating faux cars for movies to architectural models and if some advoca...

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US Tornado Season Begins With A Massive Twister!

Though the US tornado season usually in begins in earnest from March and continues till June, things had been a little quiet this year, thanks to a cooler spring that las...

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