Kids News - Science Articles

Emperor Penguin Colony Welcomes First Human Visitors

In December 2012, three men braved Antarctica's treacherous and remote Princess Ragnhild Coast to seek out a colony of Emperor Penguins that has hitherto just been suspec...

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Elusive Giant Squid Finally Caught On Camera

Giant squids, the kind referred to in Jules Verne's 1870 novel, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, have been known to exist for many centuries. However, finding the w...

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Video Of The Week - Think Your Winter Is Cold?

Many parts of the Northern Hemisphere have experienced a rather severe winter this year. However, very few can be compared to that felt by the residents of some parts of...

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Cardboard Bike Helmet Proves To Be Surprisingly Safe!

All of a sudden, cardboard seems to be showing up in the most unlikely products - First there is the cardboard bike and now, a helmet to go with it. What's surprising is...

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