Kids News - Sports Articles

26-Year Old Sets New Record For Longest 'Rally Car' Jump

On New Year Eve, 26-year old Travis Pastrana, stunned a cheering crowd of 35,000 people, by establishing a new record for the longest rally car jump ever! His eye-popping...

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Are These Cars In Your Future?

Every year, the Los Angeles Auto Show sponsors a themed challenge where auto designers are asked to create their vision of what future cars will look like. Last year's ch...

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The Amazing 'Recortadores' (Bull Leapers) Of Spain

While the bull fighters of Spain are legendary, its bull leapers are not as well known. These are the brave souls that practice the sport of bull leaping, which true to i...

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South African Surfers Set New Record

What happens when a group of surfers ride a single wave, simultaneously - They set a new world record of course! At least that's what happened to the surfing enthusiasts...

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Row, Row, Row Your Boat . . . . . . Across The Pacific!

Friday, the 13th was a great day for two British seafarers - For that was day when Captain Mick Dawson and Chris Martin completed the Golden Gate Endeavour, a 5,000-mile...

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Can You Speedcube?

Last month, over three hundred and fifty Rubik's Cube enthusiasts gathered in Dusseldorf, Germany to compete in the 5th annual World Rubik's Cube Championship.

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Five Fingers Footwear - Gloves For Your Feet!

A new kind of shoe that closely resembles a glove or five-toed 'sock' has become the latest sensation among athletes all over the world. Dubbed 'Five Fingers', the shoe i...

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