Current Events for May 1, 2013Wednesday, May 1, 2013 at 6:16 am

Will The World's Newest Lightest Material Be Instrumental In Cleaning Up Toxic Oil Spills?

It weighs less than air and is extremely strong, yet flexible enough to bounce back to its original shape, after being compressed. And, it does not float away either, because a 10cm×10cm×10cm cube does not displace 1000 cubic centimeters of air, since a lot of air stays in the pores of the 'sponge'. But best of all, it can absorb up to 250-500 times its own weight of oil at a rapid pace of 68.8 grams per second. This is not a material scientist's dream, but a description of the most recent 'lightest' solid created by a research team from China's Zheijang University.

Humpback Whales Share New Hunting Techniques

It is a well-documented fact that humpback whales gather their prey by creating 'bubble nets'- that is, blow bubbles underwater to confuse shoals of fish and cause them to herd together, giving the whales a perfect opportunity to devour them in one gulp.

Our Beautiful Earth!

Time to get off the couch and make your mark . . . after all, it is Earth Day! Originally celebrated in North America on April 22, 1970, this year's theme is 'The Face of Climate Change' - aptly reflecting the dire situation our planet is going to be in, if something is not done to turn around global warming soon. In case you are still procrastinating, here is a visual reminder of why we should do all pitch in, to save our beautiful planet.

Applications Pour In For First Private Mission To Mars

In February 2013, US multimillionaire Dennis Tito announced that his non-profit organization, Inspiration Mars Foundation, was planning to sponsor two 'qualified' people for a flyby to Mars in 2018. While one would think that an announcement this ambitious from a man whose closest encounter with Space has been as the first paying guest of the International Space Station would arouse some skepticism, such is not the case.

Creative Photographer Fulfills Young Boy's Wish To Experience Life's Simple Pleasures

Most of us take jumping onto a skateboard, shooting hoops or flying a kite, for granted. But for 12-year old Luka, anything beyond moving a limb or two, is just wishful thinking. That's because the young boy suffers from muscular dystrophy, a degenerative disease that confines him to a wheelchair.

Running Tap Results In A Spectacular Frozen Waterfall In China

Earlier this week, the world got a whiff about the formation of a spectacular new frozen waterfall in China's Jilin City. However, this hunk of ice that sits on the side of a building, is not a natural wonder, but a manmade version created unwittingly, by an apartment resident.

Vietnam's Dragon Bridge Actually Breathes Out Fire!

Though bridge designs have come a long way since humans began using fallen tree trunks or stones to get across stretches of water, they have until now been boring inert structures. That however changed on March 29th, 2013, with the unveiling of Vietnam's Dragon bridge. It not only resembles the legendary mythical creature, but also, acts like it, by breathing out fire!

US East Coast Braces For The Onslaught Of The 17-Year Cicadas

After being slammed by severe winter storms, some areas of the East Coast of the United States are now getting ready for another onslaught - This time, from the millions of cicadas that are about to emerge from the ground for the final three months of their lives.

Fresh Vegetables And Fruit From Greenland? Hmmm . . .

The image of a fresh vegetable garden in subarctic weather may be a little difficult to conjure up. However, believe it or not, thanks to global warming this is not as rare a sight and as years go by, one that may become increasingly common especially, in areas like Greenland.

Peddler's Creamery Uses Human Power To Churn Out Delicious Ice Cream

There are thousands of artisanal ice cream shops that churn out delicious organic frozen treats everywhere. So what makes Los Angeles based Peddler's Creamery so special? They do it the 'green' way, by making the frozen treat, using human pedaled power!

Europe's Largest Sand Dune Continues To Make Inroads

If you happen to be anywhere near the coastal town of La Teste-de-Buch in France, you will see an astonishing sight - One that may make you think you are in the Sahara Desert rather than the middle of Europe - A giant sand dune!

Abandoned Lion, Tiger And Hyena Cubs Form Unusual Bond

In the wild, lions, tigers and striped hyenas are fierce competitors, all seeking out the same prey and often even stealing each other's kills! But don't tell that to these five youngsters who believe that they were born to be best of friends.

A School Cafeteria With No Chicken Fingers Or Meatballs? Hmm . .

Unless you are a vegetarian, the concept of a cafeteria with no meat, probably evokes images of broccoli (eww) and spinach (yuck). However, ask the kids at Active Learning Elementary School in Flushing, New York and they will tell you that it's much more than that. They would know because their school cafeteria offers only vegetarian food!

Coming Soon - A Smart Phone That Curls Up!

Cell phones have sure come a long way since the first 2.5 lb monster was unveiled just 40 years ago. Thanks to innovative companies like Apple Inc., we have evolved from keypad to touch-screen. But if you think that we are done with phone innovation, think again - Thanks to some Canadian inventors we may soon be swapping our rigid & thick (yes thick!), smart devices with flexible, paper-thin versions.

If You Can Build It (On Minecraft), You Can Print It (in 3D)

Here's some great news for all of you that have constructed virtual worlds on Minecraft - You can now bring them to life in 3D, thanks to Printcraft, the world's first multiplayer Minecraft server that converts your intricate creations into STL files, ready for 3D printing.

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