56steps1's Activity (36)

  • 56steps1
    56steps1 added a new comment in
    This is an article about three huge soccer players. Ronaldo, Messi and Neymar JR make an exceptional amount of money and they like to spend it on expensive cars. However Neymar JR likes to have a personal helicopter and a yacht which set him back $15 mm USD. The thing that is so interesting is they make so much money that I feel that they could be over paid. Andy
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps1
    56steps1 added a new comment in
    This article is about how technology has changed throughout soccer on and off the field. The ball has changed in the last 8 years of the World Cup. In 2010 the Goal Keepers did not like the change so Adidas made sure that they would make the 2014 World Cup ball better. There had also been an issue with the goal line because in 2010, Frank Lampard of England had kicked a free kick that had hit the crossbar and English teammates was convinced it was a goal. FIFA did see that it was a goal and made sure that they would not let that happen in the next World Cup. I think that FIFA have done the right thing by putting all types of technology or make the game super fair. FIFA should definitely put more technology into their games. Andy
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps1
    56steps1 added a new comment in
    Wow, what a great way to raise awareness that there are only 1600 pandas left, that was a very cool, creative idea that would have taken lots of time and money to make its a really fantastic idea. Paulo Grangeon must be a very very creative and imaginative person with lots of wonderful ideas!!!! -gabby
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps1
    56steps1 added a new comment in
    I think it's a great way to raise awareness telling that pandas and endangered and there could be only 1600 left today or in the future and everyone has to do something about it. I also think it was an excellent idea to use paper mâché because it's keeping our environment safe and beautiful, so we can have a lovely Eco system. I think this is an good idea because I love animals and nature so much and I always want to help them in any sort of situation. Thirdana
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps1
    56steps1 added a new comment in
    That's so cool!! I never knew that the sun has a sibling until now, that was a great thing to research and it has led to a great discovery. I wonder why this wasn't put on the news, I usually watch the news so I would have known if it was put on or not, anyway that project must have taken ages to organise and be put into action. -Gabby
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps1
    56steps1 added a new comment in
    I really wonder what season it is in America in July. If it was spring, wouldn't it be an unreasonable time to eat ice cream. If it was autum, I think it would be too cold to eat ice cream. Obviously I can't be summer or winter.
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps1
    56steps1 added a new comment in
    That must have been amazing, I can't believe 14 year olds can spell such hard words! I haven't even heard of any of those word mentioned in the article and yet some young boys can spell them! They must be really smart and practise their spelling daily. Those boys should be really proud of themselves. -Gabby
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps1
    56steps1 added a new comment in
    I think it's really cool that the sun has a sibling and that it's much bigger than the sun and it's been around for more than 4.5 billion years. I was expecting that the sun's sibling was just formed but it wasn't which was a really big shock for me that's it's been around for as long as the sun. I was also expecting that the sun's sibling will be much closer as well but it's 110 light years away! Wow it's amazing! Thirdana
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps1
    56steps1 added a new comment in
    That's a cool thing to find out but it was kinda cruel to amputate the poor octopuses arms. But I suppose it was for a good cause, it's would be ok if they only amputated only 2 or 3 different octopuses arms but if they cut off more that 5 it would be kind a mean and cruel because the scientists were injuring innocent creatures. But, that's just my opinion. -Gabby
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps1
    56steps1 added a new comment in
    Wow! I find it really amazing that these boys can spell really hard words. I wonder if they can spell supercalerfriderlisticexpialadocious ( I think that's how you spell it). I want to congratulate them for putting in heaps of effort and having a go at everything. I really hope that maybe they will go next years's spelling bee. That would be awesome! They'll probably be the finalist! Thirdana
    Almost 10 years ago

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