chedder's Activity (231)

  • 56steps
    56steps added a new comment in
    That's so cool but sad at the same time who would want to kill a crocodile like that at thirty months that's just plan nasty 😃😄😀😊😑😠😓😪 I was happy at first but now I'm sad. Cameron 😄
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps
    56steps added a new comment in
    I agree gabby it's really cruel but I think it's kind of cool that octopuses don't get themselves tied up in nots I know if I was a octopus I wouldn't like to be tangled up in nots but it's still a bit sad about the octopuses arm instead of eight know it's got seven and if they cut off five or more like you said I don't know how the octopus would get around to places 😄😃😀😊😠😪😪 at first I was happy but know I'm sad
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps
    56stepsliked a comment in How Octopuses Avoid Getting Tangled Around Themselves.
    That's a cool thing to find out but it was kinda cruel to amputate the poor octopuses arms. But I suppose it was for a good cause, it's would be ok if they only amputated only 2 or 3 different octopuses arms but if they cut off more that 5 it would be kind a mean and cruel because the scientists were injuring innocent creatures. But, that's just my opinion. -Gabby
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps
    56steps added a new comment in
    I think this is a very cool way to raise awareness that there are only 1600 pandas left in the wild. I find it interesting that they will use there time and their money just to make pandas. I disagree with this because it's a waste of paper. A method of improvement would be to not make 1600 pandas. Daniel
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps
    56steps added a new comment in
    I found this very interesting. Although these three robots aren't exactly like humans we could say in a couple more years they will be just like us. The Telenoid baby is my favourate becuase it can give nice hugs. this would be really cool to see what what robots can do in the next couple of years, I just hope they don't take over humans lives.
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps
    56steps added a new comment in
    Professor Hiroshi Ishiguro has recently made robots that look very human like. He has made three human robots:Otonaroid and the juvenile Kodomoroid, as well as a tiny cuddly infant-like robot called Telenoid, all of which serve a different purpose. I think that it's very cool that the professor has made these human like robots but it think that it's a little creep. Maybe we just have to get used to it. Holly.v
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps
    56steps added a new comment in
    In the article two magpies pick up a ball and dropped it in a hole and down a ramp in to a goal. So people can predict the fifa World Cup champions. What I think is interesting about this article is that the bird can pick up the ball and drop it in the hole. I think they should allow the birds to use More than one ball. -Caleb
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps
    56steps added a new comment in
    Wow I can't believe that have a competition like that in Britain. I wonder why the owners just don't take them to get trained. I can understand how dogs do more damage than cats I was always a cat person. -tass
    Almost 10 years ago
  • 56steps
    56steps added a new comment in
    I really do think this is a revolutionary idea and this can help our world develop into better things. This video in my eyes doesn't need improving because it's already informative and I like it that way. From Lorenzo
    Almost 10 years ago

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