sophiab1472's Activity (44)

  • joohyuun
    joohyuun replied to a comment in
    I so agree with the OVERREACTION. Literally, my dad went to target to purchase some toilet paper and paper towels and to his surprise, EVERYTHING on the shelves were wiped out clean and sold out. Gee, people. And, we went costco to get some water, and again, all the water was sold out. It's like were getting ready for war or something. These people are overreacting to the point that it's just getting out of control. I mean, I can't even take the Coronovirus seriously anymore....
    About 4 years ago
  • joohyuun
    joohyuun replied to a comment in
    Also, agree with queen_onyx. Wolfdog seriously knows some FACTS. I love how she's so knowledgeable about these issues. All her information is accurate. Like, their were pandemics that were WAY worse than the coronovirus. Simple virus like the flu can be much more harmful than the famous, coronovirus. I feel as if people are acting like this is the first world pandemic that they've discovered.... This virus is just getting annoying. People are taking this issue to a next level that's not even necessary. A simple way to prevent yourself from becoming a victim is to have good hygiene. Wash your hands every day when you come back from the public or after the bathroom. And keep yourself clean at all times.
    About 4 years ago
  • joohyuun
    joohyuun added a new comment in
    This situation is extremely concerning.... the fact that the world is about to experience another devastating pandemic is unnerving. Fortunately, the virus hasn't infected any of the areas I currently live in. For now, all people can do to prevent more infections is to always stay hygienic, especially when it comes to washing your hands when you return from outside.
    About 4 years ago
  • joohyuun
    joohyuunliked a comment in The New Coronavirus Explained.
    The virus takes about 2 weeks to show. That means thousands of people would have to be in temporary quarantine, and who's going to wait check all those people for Covid-19 symptoms? So while yes, it's pretty sad that uninfected people are forced to be stuck in an infected area, the virus has spread to other countries which is a direct result of people being allowed to travel. Once they start showing the symptoms it's already too late and that's how pandemics start.
    About 4 years ago
  • sophiab1472
    sophiab1472 added a new comment in
    Happy New year everyone new year new us
    Over 4 years ago
  • sophiab1472
    sophiab1472 replied to a comment in
    Ya there are new stores and new every thing
    Over 4 years ago
  • sophiab1472
    sophiab1472 replied to a comment in
    Thank you and happy New year to you too
    Over 4 years ago
  • sophiab1472
    sophiab1472 added a new comment in
    I LOVE CATS Cats are my spirit animal Every day I draw a picture of me but a cat
    Over 4 years ago
  • sophiab1472
    sophiab1472 replied to a comment in
    Over 4 years ago
  • sophiab1472
    sophiab1472 added a new comment in
    Happy New year everyone! New year new everyone
    Over 4 years ago

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