Kids News - Current Events

Chilean Miners Alive, But Trapped Underground

On August 5th, Chilean residents woke up to the grim news that the main shaft of the San Jose gold and silver mine in Northern Chile had collapsed, trapping 33 miners ins...

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Finally, An Authentic 'Tea-Shirt'

Coming soon to a store near you - A t-shirt made from 'tea' - And we are not talking something simply dyed with the leaves, but an entirely new material made from the wor...

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Stunning Sunspot Image Captured By Solar Telescope

If you have ever wondered how the sunflower got its name, herein may lie the answer - This beautiful picture that so resembles the flower in full bloom, is actually an im...

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Italian Canines Double Up As Lifeguards

To say that dogs are amazing animals is an understatement - They make awesome pets, guard dogs, guide dogs and now it turns out even lifeguards, who leap from helicopters...

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La Tomatina - World's Biggest Food Fight!

Always fantasized about having a food fight? They you need to head to Bunol, Spain to participate in the world's biggest annual food fight - La Tomatina, a festival where...

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Gluttonous Microbes Devour Gulf Oil

Not too long ago it seemed that the Gulf oil spill nightmare would never end - All of BP's efforts to stop the leak kept failing and even after they succeeded, experts fr...

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Skydiver Takes Speed Cubing To A New Level - Literally!

More than a quarter century after it was invented, the Rubik's Cube remains as big a challenge, as when it was first introduced. Over the years, all kinds of records have...

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