Kids News - Current Events

Etch A Sketch Art Anyone?

Anyone who has played with an ‘Etch A Sketch’ knows how hard it is to draw on, let alone save the creation. However, Cleveland-based artist George Vlosich III, has not on...

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Move Over Chipmunks - Here Come The Surfing Rodents!

Move over Alvin, Theodore and Simon - Here come Rocket, Skidmark, Banzai and Peanut, the surfing mice, who are sweeping the world off their feet with their skillful maneu...

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Happy Birthday To America And First Daughter, Malia

July 4th, 2010 marks two fun events - the 234th birthday of The United States of America and, the 12th birthday of first daughter, Malia Obama. So how are they celebratin...

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Hibiki Kono A.K.A Spiderboy

Like most young boys, 13-year old Hibiki Kono always dreamt about scaling walls like his favorite Superhero, Spiderman - So, when the opportunity arose, he decided to inv...

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Flying Car Is One Step Closer To Lift Off!

What flies like a plane and hugs the roads like a super-charged roadster - The Terrafugia Transition of course - And now, thanks to a much-needed concession from the FAA...

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Give A Smile - Get A Free Ice Cream!

How many times have you foraged the bottom of the ice cream machine in hope that someone has forgotten to pick up change or hit at it hard, praying that an ice-cream will...

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Princess Abby Is The World's Ugliest Dog

Last weekend, the Sonoma-Marin County Fair held one of its most popular events - The contest to pick the 'World's Ugliest Dog'. While it may sound cruel, being the uglies...

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Video Of The Week - Pen An Invisible Letter

Text messaging is so yesterday! How about sending a friend a note the old fashioned way? By writing it - Using Invisible Ink! It's simple, easy and fun.

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