Kids News - Earth Articles

Hurricane Matthew Leaves A Trail Of Destruction All The Way From Haiti To North Carolina

The first clue that the 2016 Atlantic hurricane season would be an active one came in January, when Alex, a Category 1 hurricane, arrived six months before the season’s official June 1st start date. Since then, there have been 13 named storms and three hurricanes. However, none have been as devastating as Hurricane Matthew, which has left a trail of destruction all the way from Haiti to North Carolina....

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Hurricane Matthew Leaves A Trail Of Destruction All The Way From Haiti To North Carolina

September Ends With Rare Black Moon

Here is some exciting news for those living in the Western Hemisphere — today, September 30, marks the emergence of the black moon. While that may sound sinister and is even dubbed apocalyptic by some; it is just the moniker given to the second new moon in a month. And like all new moons, this one too will be invisible to the naked eye....

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September Ends With Rare Black Moon

Iceland Combats Climate Change By Turning Carbon Dioxide To Stone

September is usually a month when the atmospheric concentrations of carbon dioxide (CO2) are at their lowest levels in the northern hemisphere. That’s because plants suck up a lot of the gas as they grow during the summer. But this year, the level of the greenhouse gas has remained stubbornly above the symbolic “red line” of 400 parts per million. This has caused scientists to predict that CO2 levels will not return to environment-friendly levels "ever again for the indefinite future.”...

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Iceland Combats Climate Change By Turning Carbon Dioxide To Stone

4,000-Year-Old Meteorite Discovered In Argentina May Be The World's Second Largest

On September 10, 2016, a meteorite weighing more than 30-tons (68,000 pounds) was unearthed in Argentina’s Campo del Cielo (Spanish for “Field of Heaven”) region. The space rock that is amongst the largest intact meteorites discovered thus far, is believed to be part of a massive meteor that disintegrated as it entered Earth's atmosphere approximately 4,000 — 6,000 years ago....

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4,000-Year-Old Meteorite Discovered In Argentina May Be The World's Second Largest

Guess What? We Have Already Used Up All Of Earth's Resources For 2016

Monday, August 8, was Earth Overshoot Day. Calculated annually by the environmental advocacy group, Global Footprint Network, it is the day when humanity has consumed all the natural resources — produce, meat, fish, water, and wood — that our planet can regenerate in a single year. This means that for the rest of 2016, we will be using natural resources that are impossible to replace....

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Guess What? We Have Already Used Up All Of Earth's Resources For 2016

Can Solid Rain Help Alleviate The World's Water Woes?

Water, or rather the lack of it, is one of the most pressing issues of our times. Unprecedented droughts and growing populations have left many countries struggling to keep up with demand. Given that agriculture is the largest single user of freshwater, providing farmers with new conservation techniques would go a long way in alleviating our water woes. It turns out that a “miracle” powder has been helping drought-stricken Mexican farmers do exactly that for over a decade!...

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Can Solid Rain Help Alleviate The World's Water Woes?

Why Native Americans And Environmentalists Are Up In Arms About The North Dakota Access Pipeline

In July 2016, much to the dismay of environmentalists and the Standing Rock Sioux tribe, the US Army Corps of Engineers (USACE) — the federal government body in charge of the nation's waterways — granted the final permits to allow construction of the Dakota Access Pipeline (DAPL). When completed, the 1,172-mile-long, $3.8 billion USD pipeline that snakes through four states will be able to transport up to 500,000 barrels of crude oil from the Bakken Formation area of North Dakota to refineries in Illinois, daily. The builder, Dakota Access, LLC, a subsidiary of Texas-based Energy Transfer Partners, asserts that the underground pipeline is a more direct, cost-effective, safer, and environmentally responsible way to transport crude oil....

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Why Native Americans And Environmentalists Are Up In Arms About The North Dakota Access Pipeline

Hubble Space Telescope Captures Spectacular Auroras in Jupiter's Atmosphere

In 1979, the Voyager 1 spacecraft discovered that Alaska, Canada, Siberia, and Antarctica were not the only places with spectacular auroras or “polar lights” — Jupiter, the largest planet in our solar system, has them as well. While the lights have been studied intensely since, a recent month-long observation of Jupiter’s north pole by the Hubble Space Telescope has resulted in some beautiful, never before seen images of the planet’s northern lights....

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Hubble Space Telescope Captures Spectacular Auroras in Jupiter's Atmosphere