Kids News - Food Articles

Joey Chestnut Wins Hot Dog Eating Contest for Eighth Consecutive Year!

When one thinks of 4th of July celebrations the things that come to mind are an afternoon feast of watermelon, chips and . . . lots and lots of hot dogs. The best place to eat these tasty franks? The one and only 'Nathan's Famous Fourth Of July International Hot Dog Eating Contest', where participants are handsomely rewarded for devouring as many hot dogs (buns and all) as they can, in the given time....

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Joey Chestnut Wins Hot Dog Eating Contest for Eighth Consecutive Year!

Jafflechutes Delivers Food 'Hunger Games' Style

A new eatery in Melbourne, Australia is making headlines all over the world. However the accolades are not for its cuisine, service or location, but for the way it delivers - via a parachute, similar to how the Hunger Games tributes received their gifts! Another unusual twist? The menu comprises of just one item - grilled cheese sandwiches or jaffles, as the Australians like to call them....

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Jafflechutes Delivers Food 'Hunger Games' Style

Let's Play . . . Musical Ice Creams?

What could be better than licking an ice cream cone? How about composing music while enjoying the sweet treat? And we don't mean sweet melodies emanating from a smart player nearby, but ones that can be custom composed by the way the treat is licked....

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Let's Play . . . Musical Ice Creams?

Why A 'Bland & Neutral' Flavored $325,000 USD Burger Is Being Hailed A Success

On Monday, August 5th, reporters from some of the world's most prestigious newspapers gathered in Hammersmith, London and watched attentively as award-winning chef Richard McGeown carefully sautéed a beef patty in oil and butter, placed it on a plate beside a burger bun, lettuce and tomato, and served it with great flourish to Chicago-based food writer and journalist, Josh Schonwald and Austrian food researcher, Hanni Rutzler....

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Why A 'Bland & Neutral' Flavored $325,000 USD Burger Is Being Hailed A Success

Stubborn, Ambitious Or A Visionary? Your Choice Of Ice Cream Reveals It All

While you may believe that the flavor of ice cream you order is a random decision, Dr. Alan Hirsh, the founder of Chicago-based Smell & Taste Treatment and Research Foundation begs to differ. He believes that it revels some interesting insights into the person's character and has unveiled it all in a study he conducted for Baskin Robbins, in honor of National Ice Cream month. Curious to find out what your choice says about you? Read on!...

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Stubborn, Ambitious Or A Visionary? Your Choice Of Ice Cream Reveals It All

Joey Chestnut Wins Hot Dog Eating Challenge For Seventh Consecutive Year

People become famous for various reasons - Some because of their brilliant inventions, others for their musical or artistic talents. Then there is Joey Chestnut who has gained notoriety for his ability to scarf down more hot dogs, faster than anybody in the world, or at least anybody that bothers to compete in the legendary July 4th, Nathan's Hot Dog Eating Contest....

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Joey Chestnut Wins Hot Dog Eating Challenge For Seventh Consecutive Year