14-year old McKay Hatch is on a mission. He wants kids and adults to stop using bad language. So he decide to start a club whose members make a pledge to never use a bad word whilst talking. Today, the year-old club has over 15,000 members from all over the world.

It all began when McKay started middle school. All of a sudden his friends who had never used bad words, started to cuss because they thought it was cool.

It bothered McKay, so he decided to do something about it. He threw his friends a 'no cussing challenge'. They accepted it , but some kids said that using bad words had become such a part of their normal language, that they did not know how to stop.

That's when McKay decided to start the club.The members would help each other by reminding and supporting each other not to cuss. A month later, the club had 50 members.

McKay says as the word spread he would get asked by adults and kids on the street on how to become members. He then decided to create a website, called www.nocussing.com. where kids and adults can become members by taking a pledge to stop using bad language. The website even sells special 'no cussing' wristbands and t-shirts. McKay recently declared a 'National No Cussing Week', which was great success.

Needless to say McKay is very happy with the success he has had with cleaning up people's vocabulary and hopes that it will make a positive difference to a lot of people's lives. If you and your friends are ready to take on the challenge, you can sign up for free at www.nocussing.com. Let us know if you do and if it made you any less "cooler".