Kids News - Science Articles

Now Available - Airbags For Pedestrians And Cyclists!

Cycling or even walking in urban areas can be a little treacherous, thanks to the fact that one is sharing the road with vehicles that are Increasingly getting larger and...

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Emperor Penguin Colony Welcomes First Human Visitors

In December 2012, three men braved Antarctica's treacherous and remote Princess Ragnhild Coast to seek out a colony of Emperor Penguins that has hitherto just been suspec...

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2013 Australian Summer May Be One For The Record Books

While summers in the world's driest inhabited continent AKA Australia can get a little uncomfortable, this year seems to be starting out a little more extreme than usual....

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Elusive Giant Squid Finally Caught On Camera

Giant squids, the kind referred to in Jules Verne's 1870 novel, Twenty Thousand Leagues Under the Sea, have been known to exist for many centuries. However, finding the w...

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