Week of 2/1Monday, February 1, 2016 at 6:30 pm

Video Of The Week - Super Bowl 50 Celebrations Begin In San Francisco

With Super Bowl 50 less than the week away, the countdown to the big game between the Denver Broncos and North Carolina Panthers has begun. To entertain the over million visitors that are expected to come to the San Francisco Bay Area this week, the hosts have not just planned special events, but also created a 'Super Bowl City.'

Ingenious Plant-Powered Lamps Bring Light To Remote Village In Peru

Access to electricity has always been sketchy for the 173 residents of Nuevo Saposoa, a remote village in Peru. S.America. However, things went from bad to worse in March 2015 after a flood damaged the few power cables in the area. The villagers were forced to turn to kerosene lamps, which are not only expensive but also dangerous because of the toxic fumes they emit.

The Quest To Find A Solution To Clean Space Junk Continues

When humans began Space exploration about 55 years ago, they had no intention of leaving behind equipment that had served its purpose. It could after all, easily fall to Earth and harm innocent people. But that fear subsided in 1964 when American research satellite Vanguard 1 continued to rotate in orbit even after it had lost all contact with ground scientists. Since then researchers have become increasingly comfortable about leaving trash behind.

How Researchers Trained Australian Monitor Lizards To Avoid Toxic Toads

Australia is home to some of the world's deadliest animals. However, few are as dangerous as the cane toad. Native to Central and South America, the innocent looking amphibian is an invasive species that was imported to Australia in 1935 to control the native grey-backed cane beetles that were harming sugarcane crops. With very few natural predators, their population began to grow rapidly. Experts estimate that there are currently over 200 million specimens spread across Northern Australia and the numbers are only growing.

Video Of The Week - Giant Panda Tian Tian Shows How To Enjoy A Blizzard

This past weekend's massive blizzard that brought epic amounts of snow to Washington D.C. and cities across the US East coast had most people and animals scrambling for the safety of their homes. However, one of National Zoo's most beloved residents, Tian Tian was not amongst them.

Spain's Bizarre Food Festivals

While Spain's tomato-throwing festival, La Tomatina, that is celebrated in Bunol every Summer is world-renowned, the country's other food-centric celebrations are not as well known. The Els Enfarinats and the Jarramplas festivals that are held in December and January respectively, also involve food fights, except the produce being tossed, is not as gentle as tomatoes.

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