Current Events for October 19, 2013Saturday, October 19, 2013 at 11:52 am

Kim PaquetteGrade 6PICK 3 ARTICLESFor each article you MUST:Answer the critical thinking challenge at the bottom of the article.Create a new sentence for each vocabulary word listed beside the article.Tell me the what, when where, who and why.Grade 5PICK 3 ARTICLESFor each article you MUST:Answer the critical thinking challenge at the bottom of the article.Create a new sentence for each vocabulary word listed beside the article.Create a question that you could ask for the what, when where, who and why.

Video Of The Week - Are You  Ready For Some (Bubble) Football?

We have heard of artists becoming famous after launching themselves on YouTube, but a whole new sport being born off a video? That has to be a first. However that apparently is how 'Bubble Football', a combination of soccer and zorbing (a sport that involves rolling downhill whilst encased in an orb), has gained popularity not just in its birth country of Norway, but also, all across Europe.

Visually Impaired Pole Vaulters Fly High

Of all the sports played today, pole vault is one of the most demanding in technique and athleticism. So imagine competing when you are legally blind! Not one, but two high school girls have accomplished this daunting and seemingly impossible feat. 15-year-old Charlotte Brown of Emory, Texas and 17-year-old Aria Ottmueller of Chandler, Arizona are both standout athletes who have found out-of-the-box ways to overcome their visual impairment and conquer not just this, but other sports as well.

Video Of The Week - A Future NBA Star Is Born!

First there was Eddie the Oregon sea otter who amazed the world with his dunking skills and now, Titus an adorable toddler who is making waves with his outstanding talent that could give seasoned basketball players a run for their money.

'Power Flour' Aspires To Feed The World's Hungry With Insect Protein

Most people are grossed out by insects and believe them to be just a nuisance. However, a group of students from Montreal-based McGill University think of them as protein that can be used to feed millions of malnourished people worldwide, an idea so powerful that it won them the prestigious 2013 Hult Prize on September 23rd.

Empower Playground Inc. Proves That Generating Electricity Is 'Child's Play' - No, Really!

The fact that kids seem to have an inordinate amount of energy is indisputable. What if this energy could somehow be harnessed and turned into electricity? That was a question that Ben Markham, a retired Vice President of Engineering at ExxonMobil asked himself a few years ago. The result? Empower Playgrounds Inc., non-profit company that has transformed the lives of thousands of young kids in Ghana with a simple yet brilliant idea!

African Lava Lake Naturally 'Mummifies' Birds and Animals

With thousands of beautiful flamingos crowding around, at first glance Lake Natron, a salt lake in Northern Tanzania looks like your typical picturesque African landscape. But look closer and you will find something eerily unusual - Perfectly preserved dead animals strewn all along its shores. And while many have likened the lake to Medusa, the monster from Greek mythology who turned anyone that looked her in the eye to stone, most experts assert that the lake itself is not deadly.

Will 'Recycled Island' Finally Become A Reality?

For many years now, Dutch architect Ramon Knoester has been harboring a dream - To recycle the plastic that is polluting our oceans and transform it into a beautiful inhabitable island. He began his work in earnest in 2010, after receiving a grant from the Netherlands government. While it has taken a few years, and he has had to make some tweaks to his original plan, it seems as though this rather impossible sounding idea may actually become a reality, in the very near future.

Tiny Frog Hears with its Mouth! 

While we humans need every organ of our body, animals seem to adapt and even thrive when they are missing body parts that we consider crucial to survive - There is the Borneo frog that breathes without lungs, the ice fish that has no hemoglobin and now, an earless frog that can hear perfectly.

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