Current Events for September 4, 2012Tuesday, September 4, 2012 at 6:23 am

A Runner That Makes Usain Bolt's 100-Meter Sprint Seem . . . . Painfully Slow!

Olympics spoiler alert - Usain Bolt has been outrun! How do we know this before the world's fastest man has even run the finals of his signature 100-meter dash? Because, while Usain hopes to complete the distance in 9.4 seconds, Sarah has already done it in a blistering 5.95 seconds. However, in all fairness to the Jamaican sprinter, she does have a slight advantage, because Sarah is not a two-legged human, but a four-legged cheetah!

New York's Molecule Cafe Sells Only One Beverage - Tap Water!

We have heard of restaurants that sell only donuts or pastries or even a variety of beverages - But just water? That has to be a first. What's even more astonishing is that it is not some fancy water brought in from an exotic location, but just ordinary tap water that has apparently been super-purified.

World's First Eyeless Spider Discovered in Southeast Asia

Just when scientists think they have discovered and recorded every species of insect that crawls the earth they find something new. Earlier this month, Peter Jager, the head of arachnology at Frankfurt's Senckenberg Research Institute reported the discovery of a unique spider that has adapted to its dark environment by simply doing away with of all of its eight eyes!

Underwater Volcano Eruption Spews A Massive 'Raft' Of Rocks Off The Coast Of New Zealand

On Thursday August 9th, a New Zealand Air Force plane flying about 1,000 kilometers northeast of the island's biggest city, Auckland, encountered a strange sight - A brilliant white light that resembled an ice shelf, sparkling from the clear blue waters of the South Pacific ocean.

Gorilla Siblings Joyfully Reunite After Three Years

Just like humans who haven't seen each other in a few years, they began with a formal handshake.  But then, the two could just not contain their excitement - First came the squeeze of shoulders, then a giant hug and finally, the ultimate evidence of joy - A rough tumble into the soft grass. That, is how the workers at the Longleat Safari and Adventure Park in Wiltshire, England, are describing last week's joyful reunion of Alf and Kesho, two lowland gorilla brothers that had been separated for three years.

Cows Get To Eat Candy? Sweet!

How cool would it be if your parents decided to substitute the vegetables on your dinner plate with candy? Believe it or not, that is exactly what a couple of Kentucky farmers have been doing for their herd of 1,400 cattle, for the past few months.

US Hurricane Season Begins With A Splash As Isaac Unleashes On The Gulf States

It was supposed to have pounded the coast of Florida and even delayed Republican Presidential candidate Mitt Romney's nomination by a few days. But hurricane Isaac changed course midway. After barely grazing the Florida Keys, it bypassed the rest of the Sunshine State and instead, unleashed its fury on the three Gulf states of Louisiana, Mississippi and Alabama.

Nifty Invention By Teen Could Save School Districts Thousands Of Dollars

Illinois tween Jonny Cohen was just twelve years old when he came up with a revolutionary that would male clunky yellow school buses more energy efficient - Helping not only school districts save money, but also, the environment. Now five years later, the senior at Highland Park High School is finally seeing his dream realized.

Video Of The Week - Are You Smarter Than A Chimp?

Humans believe that they are at the top of the food chain because they can outsmart any living being on this planet - While that may be true to some extent, animals, especially chimpanzees that share 99% of our DNA, are no dummies either.

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