Current Events for March 9, 2015Monday, March 9, 2015 at 12:21 pm

E-Nable Connects 3-D Printer Owners And Designers To Those In Need Of Prosthetics

While 3-D Printing technology is still a young innovation, it is already being used to create a wide variety of products: action figures, musical instruments, fabrics, and even food! But for all of the fun and whimsical items that can be produced, the most exciting application of this radical invention is the printing of artificial limbs. Its low cost structure makes it ideal for those that are unable to afford traditional prosthetics which can run tens of thousands of dollars.

Friday The 13th - Lucky For Some, Unlucky For Most?

It's Friday the 13th! While a select few like Taylor Swift will simply "shake it off" and even release a new music video, there are millions of others that will not step out of their homes today. That's because when the 13th which is already considered unlucky by many, falls on a Friday, the fear factor rises exponentially. While nobody knows for sure why the combination of the 13th with Friday is so feared, there are many theories.

Eco-Friendly Designer Transforms Garbage Into Glamorous Outfits

Most artists have a favorite material they like to work with. For 28-year-old Kristen Alyce it happens to be trash. The eco-conscious designer uses her incredible talent to transform garbage like empty drink bottles and Skittles wrappers into glamorous outfits that sell for thousands of dollars.

Boston Residents Tackle Severe Winter Weather With Good Humor And A Little Insanity

Though the 2015 winter has been brutal for many East Coast cities in the United States, few have had it as bad as Boston. The city was bombarded by an astounding 7.5 feet of snow, caused by four blizzards that rammed through the area in just three weeks. With spring still a few weeks away, the foul weather is not expected to let up anytime soon. While the dreary prospects would be enough to dampen the spirits of most, hardy Bostonians have opted to embrace the excess white fluff and enjoy it in some unusual ways.

Video Of The Week - New York Park Boasts Ice Volcano And Frozen Waterfalls

February is usually not a busy time for New York's Letchworth State Park. However, this year the park has been inundated with visitors trying to get a glimpse of its new albeit temporary attractions - an ice volcano and two frozen waterfalls.

White And Gold Or Blue And Black? The Great Dress Debate!

It all began innocently enough. On Thursday, February 26th, 21-year-old Scottish singer Caitlin McNeil posed a simple question along with a photo of a dress on the social media website, Tumblr. It said, “Guys, please help me - is this dress white and gold, or blue and black?”

Surprise! Your Dog Can Tell If You Are Happy Or Angry

While every dog owner knows that their pooch can discern their moods perfectly, scientists have always been a little skeptical. Now thanks to some researchers at the University of Veterinary Medicine in Vienna, Austria, we finally have some tangible evidence.

Wichita Seniors Prove That Pranks Do Not Have To Be Mean-Spirited To Be "Cool"

Every year, high school seniors across the country prank their teachers and principals. Some pranks are funny, others borderline cruel, but few are as heartwarming as the recent one pulled by the students of North High School in Wichita, Kansas.

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