2nd Grade - Current Events and Books

Video Of The Week - Around The World In 5 Minutes

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If you have always dreamt of traveling around the world, here is your chance. In less than five minutes you will be able to experience some of the most beautiful places on earth without, spending a dime!

The incredible time-lapse video is the amalgamation of over 6,237 photos taken by San Francisco based Kien Lam, during his epic journey around the world. During the year long trip that took the artist through 17 countries, he sat on 19 planes, 58 buses and 18 boats! The best part is, that when he started out in 2010, he had no set itinerary.

His aim, was to get away from a cold foggy San Franciso summer and follow the sun which, probably explains the super-cool pictures. To read about his experiences go to kienlam.net/around-the-world.


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Current Events for January 26, 2012Thursday, January 26, 2012 at 8:37 pm

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