Current Events for September 12, 2013Thursday, September 12, 2013 at 10:04 am

Looking For An Exotic Classroom Pet? Professor Bechtel May Be Able To Help!

How cool would it be if instead of learning about exotic animals like Patagonian maras (large rodents that resemble rabbits) and bearded dragons from textbooks you could do it by touching, feeling and maybe even breeding them? That is how the students fortunate enough to be taught by Michael Bechtel at Saydel High School in Des Moines, Iowa experienced biology for many years.

Dallas Zoo Baby Cheetahs Get An Unusual Cage Mate

Two eight-week old male cheetahs are about to start their new life at the Dallas Zoo with an unusual cage mate - An eight-week-old male black Labrador retriever puppy named Amani.

Video Of The Week - Are You  Ready For Some (Bubble) Football?

We have heard of artists becoming famous after launching themselves on YouTube, but a whole new sport being born off a video? That has to be a first. However that apparently is how 'Bubble Football', a combination of soccer and zorbing (a sport that involves rolling downhill whilst encased in an orb), has gained popularity not just in its birth country of Norway, but also, all across Europe.

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