Kids News - Articles for Grades 10-10

Turkish Artist Garip Ay Uses Ancient Technique To Paint On Water

Artists are continually striving to find innovative ways to showcase their talent. Some, like Jackson Pollock, produce masterpieces by flinging pigments across the canvas, while others, like Iris Scott, paint with their bare fingers. Turkish artist Garip Ay has gained worldwide fame by adopting Ebru, an ancient technique that allows him to create stunning paintings on water....

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Turkish Artist Garip Ay Uses Ancient Technique To Paint On Water

Hong Kong's Pro-Democracy Protests Explained

If you have been paying any attention to the news, you may have heard of the ongoing unrest in Hong Kong. Since June 2019, pro-democracy protestors have brought large areas of the bustling Chinese territory to a standstill with weekly demonstrations and sit-ins. Among the most disruptive was the August 12 protest at the Hong Kong International Airport. Thousands of dissenters barricaded the airport's passageways with luggage trolleys, metal barriers, and other objects, blocking passengers from boarding and forcing the cancellation of outbound flights for two consecutive days. So what has triggered the widespread discontent against the Beijing government? Read on . . ....

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Hong Kong's Pro-Democracy Protests Explained

These Seals Can Mimic Human Speech And Music!

If you have spent any time observing seals at the zoo or in the wild, you may have seen the mammals swimming, walking, clapping, and even "barking" at one another. Now, scientists in Scotland have proved that with some vocal training, and the right incentive, the talented animals are also capable of mimicking the human language, accomplishing impressive tasks such as "singing" popular tunes like "Twinkle, Twinkle Little Star."...

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These Seals Can Mimic Human Speech And Music!

Record Number Of Wildfires In The Amazon Rainforest Could Accelerate Climate Change

It is not uncommon for human-generated blazes — lit to clear the land out for farming or ranching — in the Amazon rainforest to get out of control. However, this year, the number of wildfires has been extraordinarily high. Brazil's National Institute for Space Research (INPE) has recorded over 73,000 fires in the world's largest tropical rainforest between January and August 2019, 2,500 of which are currently active. This is the highest number observed since the agency began keeping records in 2013, and an astounding 80 percent more than during the first eight months of 2018....

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Record Number Of Wildfires In The Amazon Rainforest Could Accelerate Climate Change

Mars Astronauts May Be Able To Heal Injuries With 3-D Printed Skin And Bones

In addition to their myriad other responsibilities, the brave Mars pioneers will also have to be ready to deal with all kinds of medical emergencies. Some ailments, such as common colds and headaches, may be easy to tackle with medication. To help them with more serious issues, like severe skin burns or bone fractures, scientists from the Dresden University of Technology (TUD) have developed a 3-D bioprinter capable of producing human tissue in space....

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Mars Astronauts May Be Able To Heal Injuries With 3-D Printed Skin And Bones

"Sneezing" Plants May Be Spreading Pathogens And Infecting Their Neighbors

It is common knowledge that the droplets spread from sneezing are one of the key culprits responsible for transmitting infectious diseases between humans. Now it turns out that some plants have a similar ability to share the "love" and spread pathogens to each other. However, while sneezing in humans is an involuntary response to irritants along the lining of the nose, plants "sneeze" due to a quirk in fluid dynamics....

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"Sneezing" Plants May Be Spreading Pathogens And Infecting Their Neighbors

Fiona Kolbinger Is The First Female Cyclist To Win The Grueling Transcontinental Race

Fiona Kolbinger, a 24-year-old with little experience in competitive cycling, took the world by surprise when she became the first female to win the ultra-endurance Transcontinental Race on August 6, 2019. The cancer researcher from Germany outrode 225 men and 39 women to complete the approximately 2,485 miles (4,000 km) race from Bulgaria to France in 10 days, two hours, and 48 minutes. Even more impressive, Kolbinger crossed the finish line almost 11 hours ahead of the second-place winner, Ben Davies of the United Kingdom....

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Fiona Kolbinger Is The First Female Cyclist To Win The Grueling Transcontinental Race

The Bottle Cap Challenge Is Taking The Internet By Storm

The Internet loves a fun challenge. Over the years, thousands of people have doused themselves in ice for the charitable ALS Ice Bucket Challenge, frozen in action for the Mannequin Challenge, and even picked up garbage for the Trash Bag Challenge. The latest to join this never-ending trend of viral competitions is the Bottle Cap Challenge....

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The Bottle Cap Challenge Is Taking The Internet By Storm