Kids News - Articles for Grades 4-5

Central London Hotel Draws Harry Potter Fans With "Wizard Chambers"

Though the last book of the spectacular Harry Potter series was released seven years ago in 2007, the young wizard continues to be extremely popular with both kids and adults. Over the years, Potter fans have been able to experience numerous aspects of the young wizard's life, right down to his favorite drink - Butterbeer. Now thanks to a British hotel, they can also spend a night in the wizard's Hogwarts Castle dormitory room....

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Central London Hotel Draws Harry Potter Fans With "Wizard Chambers"

Nik Wallenda's Back-To-Back Tightrope Walks Across Chicago Skyscrapers Are Scarily Exciting!

Mention Nik Wallenda and the first thing that comes to mind is that of the daredevil tightrope walking across long distances at insanely high altitudes. Over the years, the 35-year-old Florida resident has conducted numerous record-breaking feats, including one across the spectacular Niagara Falls. However, it is his most recent one that has people gasping in awe. That's because this time around, the aerialist decide to step it up a notch, by blindfolding himself!...

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Nik Wallenda's Back-To-Back Tightrope Walks Across Chicago Skyscrapers Are Scarily Exciting!

Veterans Day - Honoring All Who Served

Tuesday, November 11th, is Veterans Day - a special day set aside to pay tribute to the brave men and women of the armed forces who put their lives at risk to ensure that the rest of us can enjoy the freedom we often take for granted. These include members of the US Army, Navy, Marine Corps, Air Force and the Coast Guard....

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Veterans Day - Honoring All Who Served

Video Of The Week - Philips Creates Mesmerizing LED-Lit Night Skiing Movie

Television advertisements have come a long way since luxury watch manufacturer Bulova aired the first 9-second clip in 1941. Today, companies like to publicize their wares in clever ways that subtly draw attention to their products or technology. The most recent example of this is "Afterglow", a branded content film created by Sweetwater Productions in collaboration with Swedish agency Ahlstrand & Wallgren to showcase the technology behind the new Philips Ambilight Television....

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Video Of The Week - Philips Creates Mesmerizing LED-Lit Night Skiing Movie

Contemporary Artist Concetta Antico's Vividly Colorful World

Artists generally have a better perception of colors than the average person. However, very few can discern colors quite like Concetta Antico, a San Diego-based contemporary artist. That's because this talented painter happens to be a tetrachromat - a select group of people that have the ability to distinguish 100 million nuances of color, an astounding hundred times what a normal person can observe! This means that their world is full of vivid colors that most of us will never experience....

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Contemporary Artist Concetta Antico's Vividly Colorful World

Galapagos Island Giant Tortoises Saved From Near Extinction

In 2012, the world mourned the loss of Lonesome George, a 100-year-old giant tortoise that resided on the Galapagos Island of Pinta. While losing any member of these ancient species that outlive most humans is sad, what made it worse was that George was believed to be the last known living member of the Pinta Island giant tortoise subspecies. Fortunately, the same fate does not await the Hood Island giant tortoises of EspaƱola Island....

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Galapagos Island Giant Tortoises Saved From Near Extinction

Pumpkin Carving Maestro Ray Villafane Creates Yet Another Masterpiece

No Halloween celebration would be complete without a peek at pumpkin carver extraordinaire Ray Villafane's incredible masterpieces. As has been the case for the past three years, the artist and his team of equally talented carvers, spent the weekend of October 18th and 19th at the New York Botanical Garden, transforming some of the world's largest pumpkins into scary zombies....

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Pumpkin Carving Maestro Ray Villafane Creates Yet Another Masterpiece