Kids News - Articles for Grades 4-5

Are Coral Reefs Adapting to Climate Change?

A few weeks ago, scientists reported that climate change might actually be helping California's ancient redwoods thrive. Now there seems to be more positive news - This time about the coral in our oceans whose population has been severely impacted in last few decades by rising temperatures and ocean acidification, disease and human carelessness....

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Are Coral Reefs Adapting to Climate Change?

London's Dazzling 'Walkie Talkie' Skyscraper is Sizzling Hot - Literally!

With its distinctive shape, large public viewing deck and three floors of sky gardens as well as prime Central London location, 20 Fenchurch street, a 37-story commercial skyscraper affectionately called 'walkie talkie', was destined to be the pride and joy of the city when completed in 2014. However, a slight design snafu has turned the building into a heat-trapping magnet or as the public now like to call it, a 'walkie scorchie'....

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London's Dazzling 'Walkie Talkie' Skyscraper is Sizzling Hot - Literally!

What Is Going On In Syria?

If you have been listening to the news lately chances are you have heard about the escalating tension in Syria and the heated debate between nations about whether it may be time for other countries to intervene and help the rebels. So what exactly is the crisis that has the entire world up in arms and how did it get to this stage? Read on . . ....

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What Is Going On In Syria?

Video Of The Week - Are You  Ready For Some (Bubble) Football?

We have heard of artists becoming famous after launching themselves on YouTube, but a whole new sport being born off a video? That has to be a first. However that apparently is how 'Bubble Football', a combination of soccer and zorbing (a sport that involves rolling downhill whilst encased in an orb), has gained popularity not just in its birth country of Norway, but also, all across Europe....

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Video Of The Week - Are You  Ready For Some (Bubble) Football?

Make Room In The Periodic Table (And Your Memory) For Element 115

If you are in middle school, chances are you have been exposed to and probably even asked to memorize the 118 elements that currently make up the periodic table. Now you may have to make room for one more - Element 115! Nicknamed Ununpentium (combination of Latin and Greek for 115) until it gets official approval and a permanent name from the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry, it is one of the heaviest man-made elements created thus far....

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Make Room In The Periodic Table (And Your Memory) For Element 115

SpaceX Founder Elon Musk Envisions Supersonic Rail Travel

What is futuristic, has the potential to transport passengers faster than an airplane, and resembles a Disneyland ride? It's Hyperloop - a design for a supersonic transportation system between high-traffic cities that lie within short distances conjured up Elon Musk, the visionary behind SpaceX, the world's first privately funded spacecraft....

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SpaceX Founder Elon Musk Envisions Supersonic Rail Travel

The Winner Of The Inaugural National Chimpanzee Art Contest Is . . .

If humans can participate in art contests why can't chimpanzees? After all they do share over 90% of our DNA and are likely to do as good a job, if not better! In order to highlight their art talent as well as the amazing work of the eight chimpanzee sanctuaries around the country that provide care for the mammals retired from research, pet trade and entertainment, the folks at the Humane Society of the United States decided to hold a competition....

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The Winner Of The Inaugural National Chimpanzee Art Contest Is . . .