joy102's Activity (104)

  • death101
    death101 added a news bookmark.
    Swiss Adventurer Yves Rossy, also known as Jetman or Fusionman, made history this morning by flying across the English Channel with just a jet-propelled wing on his back.  Yves,...
    Over 9 years ago
  • death101
    death101 added a news bookmark.
    Solar Impulse, the world's first single passenger solar-powered airplane has come a long way since its first flight in 2009, when it rose a mere 3 feet above the ground and flew...
    Over 9 years ago
  • death101
    death101 added a news bookmark.
    If you have ever wished that you could avoid the snarly road traffic and soar up in the skies, your wish may come true soon - that is if a new kind of vehicle makes a successful...
    Over 9 years ago
  • death101
    death101 added a news bookmark.
    What flies like a plane and hugs the roads like a super-charged roadster - The Terrafugia Transition of course - And now, thanks to a much-needed concession from the FAA we may ...
    Over 9 years ago
  • death101
    death101 added a news bookmark.
    Jetpacks are not new - Yvoss 'Jetman' Rossy and many other daredevils have been using them for years. However, even they are going to be a little envious of these new wings that...
    Over 9 years ago
  • death101
    death101 added a news bookmark.
    Yves Rossy A.K.A. Jet-Man, the Swiss adventurer who has pulled of some amazing flying stunts with the help of his winged jet pack was at it again last week.
    Over 9 years ago
  • death101
    death101 added a news bookmark.
    On May 7th, 2011, 51-year old Swiss adventurer Yves Rossy made headlines when he flew over the Grand Canyon with his world-famous jet-propelled wings strapped to his back. While...
    Over 9 years ago
  • death101
    death101 added a news bookmark.
    On Sunday, March 4th, thousands of fans gathered at Willow Lake, Anchorage, to give a rousing send-off to the 66 mushers and their crew of between 12-16 dogs competing in this y...
    Over 9 years ago
  • death101
    death101 added a news bookmark.
    While dogs are normally credited as being man's best friend, in ex-firefighter Brian Wilson's case it has been his two pet parrots. 
    Over 9 years ago
  • death101
    death101 added a news bookmark.
    When one thinks of 4th of July celebrations the things that come to mind are an afternoon feast of watermelon, chips and . . . lots and lots of hot dogs. The best place to eat t...
    Over 9 years ago

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