s140164's Activity (54)

  • s149508
    s149508liked a comment in NASA Confirms Presence Of Liquid Water On Mars.
    what if there are aliens in mars
    Over 8 years ago
  • s149508
    s149508liked a comment in NASA Confirms Presence Of Liquid Water On Mars.
    1.What led the scientist to first suspect there may be liquid water on Mars is that weather got colder and colder and then it was getting hotter and hotter so the water was evaporating from the heat and the water came back from the change of the weather. They were not sure to confirm it because they think that it was coming the weather because of the temperature and the temperature changed how many liquid there will be in Mars. It also changed how much ice there will be and how much water were evaporated too. 2.How they verified the presence of the liquid water was by sending a robot to take pictures of the ice and the water. They also saw different pictures of Mars that had a lot of water and it all started to evaporated and it all became dry. The Martian water only flows on Mars part of the years is because the ground of Mars is sucking up all the water. 3.The Curiosity Rover was not able to take samples of the Martian water is because Outer space Treaty of 1967 prevented every nation from getting near the water source in other planets. The scientists only hope in order to get their hands on Martian water is to send a robot to transport the water quickly back to our planet. 4.If a Earthly microbes accidentally came and contacted with an alien life then the alien will probably try and come to our planet and visit and probably steal stuff.
    Over 8 years ago
  • s149508
    s149508liked a comment in NASA Confirms Presence Of Liquid Water On Mars.
    mars also has the biggest volcano
    Over 8 years ago
  • s149508
    s149508liked a comment in NASA Confirms Presence Of Liquid Water On Mars.
    I don't want aliens to destroy the world.
    Over 8 years ago
  • s148129
    s148129 added a new comment in
    1.What led the scientist to first suspect there may be liquid water on Mars is that weather got colder and colder and then it was getting hotter and hotter so the water was evaporating from the heat and the water came back from the change of the weather. They were not sure to confirm it because they think that it was coming the weather because of the temperature and the temperature changed how many liquid there will be in Mars. It also changed how much ice there will be and how much water were evaporated too. 2.How they verified the presence of the liquid water was by sending a robot to take pictures of the ice and the water. They also saw different pictures of Mars that had a lot of water and it all started to evaporated and it all became dry. The Martian water only flows on Mars part of the years is because the ground of Mars is sucking up all the water. 3.The Curiosity Rover was not able to take samples of the Martian water is because Outer space Treaty of 1967 prevented every nation from getting near the water source in other planets. The scientists only hope in order to get their hands on Martian water is to send a robot to transport the water quickly back to our planet. 4.If a Earthly microbes accidentally came and contacted with an alien life then the alien will probably try and come to our planet and visit and probably steal stuff.
    Over 8 years ago
  • s148129
    s148129liked a comment in NASA Confirms Presence Of Liquid Water On Mars.
    The scientists first suspected that there may be liquid water on Mars because of its carved topography. They were hesitant to confirm it because they did not have concrete evidence. They verified the presence of liquid water by the spectrometer images. The Martian water flows only part of the year because the temperatures 'warm' up to above -10° F (-23°Ç). The Curiosity Rover is not allowed to take samples of the Martian water because the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 prevents any nation from getting too close to a water source on another planet. The scientist's only hope of getting their hands on the liquid is with the help of the organic molecule analyzer. If any Earthly microbes accidentally came in contact with alien life I think we would be in danger!
    Over 8 years ago
  • s148129
    s148129liked a comment in NASA Confirms Presence Of Liquid Water On Mars.
    What led the scientists to first suspect there may be liquid water on Mars? I think led the scientists to first suspect there was maybe water on mars was that the scientists needed concrete evidence to confirm the streaks that they dubbed 'recurring slope lineage', or 'RS L' were a result of flowing water. Why were they hesitant?there were hesitant because ed the scientists to confirm their earlier suspicion that the streaks are indeed caused by liquid water. 2. How did they verify the presence of liquid water? The images produced by the spectrometers allowed scientists to identify water on the planet's surface. The water appears in the summer months and freezes when the temperature gets colder. 3. The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 prevents any nation from getting to close to any water source from another planet.The use of the organic molecule analyzer is the scientist only hope of getting their hands on the water from Mars.
    Over 8 years ago
  • s140164
    s140164liked a comment in NASA Confirms Presence Of Liquid Water On Mars.
    The water does not flow in all times of the year because even the salt cannot stop water from turning to ice during autumn and winter when the surface temperatures drop as low as -195*F. The rovers are not aloud to take samples of the water because the Outer Space Treaty that happened keeps any nation from getting too close to water on another planet because they think they might contaminate the water from like things that make the rover.
    Over 8 years ago

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