s154751's Activity (56)

  • s154751
    s154751liked a comment in NASA Confirms Presence Of Liquid Water On Mars.
    What led the scientists to first suspect there may be liquid water on Mars? I think led the scientists to first suspect there was maybe water on mars was that the scientists needed concrete evidence to confirm the streaks that they dubbed 'recurring slope lineage', or 'RS L' were a result of flowing water. Why were they hesitant?there were hesitant because ed the scientists to confirm their earlier suspicion that the streaks are indeed caused by liquid water. 2. How did they verify the presence of liquid water? The images produced by the spectrometers allowed scientists to identify water on the planet's surface. The water appears in the summer months and freezes when the temperature gets colder. 3. The Outer Space Treaty of 1967 prevents any nation from getting to close to any water source from another planet.The use of the organic molecule analyzer is the scientist only hope of getting their hands on the water from Mars.
    Over 8 years ago
  • s154751
    s154751liked a comment in NASA Confirms Presence Of Liquid Water On Mars.
    Thanks to its carved topography, researchers have always suspected that Mars was once home to several rivers, lakes, and perhaps even oceans. While cautiously optimistic, the scientists needed concrete evidence to confirm the streaks that they dubbed 'recurring slope lineae', or 'RSL' were a result of flowing water. in 2011 from high-resolution images captured by the Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter showed dark streaks that appeared to be flowing down the inner walls of the Newton crater in the Red Planet's Southern Hemisphere. What made the water theory plausible was that the "flows" were only visible during the 'warmer' spring through the autumn period. Martian's water flow the water flow exists only during the planet's summer months when the temperatures 'warm' up to above -10° F (-23°Ç). The Curiosity Rover not allowed to take samples because the Outer Space Treaty of 1967 prevents any nation from getting too close to a water source on another planet, for fear that it might contaminate it with microbes from Earth. The one hope scientists have of getting near the liquid is with the help of the organic molecule analyzer that the European Space Agency plans to send on its 2018 ExoMars mission.
    Over 8 years ago
  • s154751
    s154751liked a comment in NASA Confirms Presence Of Liquid Water On Mars.
    1. Scientist may suspect liquid on Mars because of high-resolution images by Mars Reconnaissance Orbiter in 2011. They are hesitant to confirm it because why would they have an organic molecule analyzer that the European Space Agency plans to send on its 2018 ExoMars mission. 2. They verified the presence of liquid water is because they hypothesize that it may be seeping up from underground ice or aquifers, or condensing out of the thin Martian atmosphere. The Martian water flow only one part of the year because of when the temperatures 'warm' up to above -10° F (-23°Ç) and because of the water can remain in liquid form in such frigid conditions because of the presence of salt that helps lower its freezing point way below the average 32°F (0°Ç). 3. The Curiosity Rover not allowed to take samples of the Martian water because of though the mystery could easily be solved with a water sample, it is not possible even though NASA's Mars Curiosity Rover is just about 30 miles away from the source. The only hope for scientists to find liquid in their hands is with the help of the organic molecule analyzer that the European Space Agency plans to send on its 2018 ExoMars mission. Critical Thinking Challenge: I think what would happen if Earthly microbes came in with alien life is that we would could research about aliens and analyze them and take DNA samples.
    Over 8 years ago
  • s154751
    s154751liked a comment in NASA Confirms Presence Of Liquid Water On Mars.
    Article Comprehension 1. The scientists first suspect that there is liquid water on Mars because they had pictures from spaceship and inspect it carefully. They were hesitant to confirm there was water on Mars because it was still a theory and they have to study it more carefully. 2. They verified that there was a presence of liquid water on Mars by using the satellite spaceship. The Martian water flows only part of the planet because it is so freezing cold that it is under the ice and snow. 3. The curiosity rover wasn't allowed to take samples of the martian water because it is super salty and we don't know if it is safe or not to take samples. The scientists hope of only getting their hands on the the liquid by taking pictures of the water and studying it. Critical Thinking Challenge If earthly microbes accidentally came in contact with alien life, the earth would be in chaos and they would destroy our planet as soon as they know the earth location.
    Over 8 years ago
  • s154751
    s154751liked a comment in NASA Confirms Presence Of Liquid Water On Mars.
    Article Comprehension 1. The scientists first suspect that their is liquid water on Mars because they had pictures from spaceship and suspect it carefully. They were hesitant to confirm that their was water on Mars because it was still a theory and they have to study it more carefully. 2. They verify that their was presence liquid water on Mars by using the satellite spaceship. The Martian water flows only part of the planet because it is so freezing cold that it is under the ice and snow. 3. The curiosity rover wasn't allowed to take samples of the martian water because it is super salty and we don't know if it is safe or not to take samples. The scientists hope of only getting their hands on the the liquid by taking pictures of the water and studying it. Critical Thinking Challenge If earthly microbes accidentally came in contact with alien life the earth would be chaos and destroy our planet as soon as they knew earth's location.
    Over 8 years ago
  • s154751
    s154751liked a comment in NASA Confirms Presence Of Liquid Water On Mars.
    What led scientists to suspect water on Mars were dark streaks on the Newton crater in Mar's summer time. They were hesitant to confirm it because they did not have enough evidence. They verified it was water with infrared spectrometers, looking at the RSL showed the presence of salt and other minerals confirming it was from water. Martian water only flows during the summer when it's warm, the rest of the year it is frozen. The Rover is not allowed to take samples because of the 1967 treaty prevents any nations from waterfrom any planets. The scientists only hope of getting liquid is if complete sterilization is guaranteed. I think that if any earthly microbes aliens came to plant earth and decadently came in tuch with I would trll NASA and tell them that some alins came to plant earth! :(
    Over 8 years ago
  • s154751
    s154751liked a comment in NASA Confirms Presence Of Liquid Water On Mars.
    1.What led the scientist to first suspect there may be liquid water on Mars is that weather got colder and colder and then it was getting hotter and hotter so the water was evaporating from the heat and the water came back from the change of the weather. They were not sure to confirm it because they think that it was coming the weather because of the temperature and the temperature changed how many liquid there will be in Mars. It also changed how much ice there will be and how much water were evaporated too. 2.How they verified the presence of the liquid water was by sending a robot to take pictures of the ice and the water. They also saw different pictures of Mars that had a lot of water and it all started to evaporated and it all became dry. The Martian water only flows on Mars part of the years is because the ground of Mars is sucking up all the water. 3.The Curiosity Rover was not able to take samples of the Martian water is because Outer space Treaty of 1967 prevented every nation from getting near the water source in other planets. The scientists only hope in order to get their hands on Martian water is to send a robot to transport the water quickly back to our planet. 4.If a Earthly microbes accidentally came and contacted with an alien life then the alien will probably try and come to our planet and visit and probably steal stuff.
    Over 8 years ago
  • s154751
    s154751liked a comment in Georgia Zoo Rhino Forges Unusual Bond With Resident Donkeys.
    Manuela became sad and aggressive when she lost her mate.Fortunately, the zookeepers realized what was ailing Manuela and decided to try ease her emotional pain by introducing her to other animals in the hope that she would forge a friendship.The zoo try to bring in other animals but it did not work until they brought in a donkey.This is not the first time the zoo has succeeded in helping forge an unusual friendship. When Shamba, a beautiful rare white lion cub who was being taken away by his mother needed a friend, they brought in a puppy and they cant get seperated.
    Over 8 years ago
  • s154751
    s154751liked a comment in Georgia Zoo Rhino Forges Unusual Bond With Resident Donkeys.
    Manuela was sad and aggressive because she lost her mate. The zoo introduced her to other animals in the hope that she would forge a friendship. Yes, it worked, she has become serene and placid and friends with the donkeys. Shamba, a beautiful rare white lion cub had a similar issue. That was resolved by the zoo bringing in a puppy for him. The author believes that Shamba and the puppy may not be friends for life because the lion might become more aggressive.
    Over 8 years ago
  • s154751
    s154751liked a comment in Georgia Zoo Rhino Forges Unusual Bond With Resident Donkeys.
    Manuela was sad and aggressive because her mate was gone. The zoo was trying to pair her up but, it didn't work out that well until the paired her up with a resident donkey. The zookeepers also succeeded in helping a tiger by giving the tiger a dog friend. The author thinks they will not be friends for life because when tigers grow up they don't belive about friends with any animal because most tigers are wild and the tiger will start getting used to be alone.
    Over 8 years ago

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