skylarcatlover's Activity (1843)

  • happypug12
    happypug12 has read this book.
    Over 7 years ago
  • happypug12
    happypug12 added a new comment in
    I would like to win this because I like to read anything I can get my hands on, and I do really love to read weird facts and then weird out my friends with gross or spooky facts. Um, yep, that's my reason. Thanks!
    Over 7 years ago
  • happypug12
    happypug12 added a new comment in
    Interesting, but there are some problems with this. First, if Amazon gets permission for their drones to deliver to customers, what's stopping other companies from getting the same idea? It wouldn't be fair for just Amazon to get drones, and soon other companies would be pushing for drones of their own. The sky could end up filled with drones. It isn't a problem when you have just one drone in the sky, but what about when you have thousands, maybe even millions?
    Over 7 years ago
  • happypug12
    happypug12 added a news bookmark.
    In 2013, Jeff Bezos the CEO and founder of Amazon Inc., made headlines when he proclaimed that within a few years, the company would deploy unmanned drones to deliver packages w...
    Over 7 years ago
  • happypug12
    happypug12's book review was featured in Star Wars Ahsoka.
    The Ahsoka in this book is not the same Ashoka as the one in the Clone Wars that we all know and love. But surviving a war, leaving the only family you know, and then hearing they've all been brutally slaughtered can change a person. As we begin this action-filled story, we find former Jedi padawan Ashoka Tano carving out a miserable existence on the remote planet Thabeska, posing as Ashla, a mechanic who works hard and doesn't ask questions. But when the empire reaches its hand to the remote Thabeska, Ahsoka fearfully runs. She finds an almost-home on Radaa, a non-exciting farming moon that seems obscure enough. Until the Imperials decide to land on the planet and take over, taking Ashoka by surprise. She is torn between revealing herself and pretending to be Ashla. She and her new family must decide whether to rebel or to watch as everything and everyone they love is destroyed. After reading this book, I don't feel like it can stand on its own. I would love to see it become a series, like some of the other Star Wars series I've read. Star Wars: Ashoka didn't lack any of the grit and harsh reality of how cruel the empire truly is, and I liked it for that. This book was a really interesting read that I recommend to all Star Wars fans!
    Over 7 years ago
  • happypug12
    happypug12 added a book review.
    The Ahsoka in this book is not the same Ashoka as the one in the Clone Wars that we all know and love. But surviving a war, leaving the only family you know, and then hearing they've all been brutally slaughtered can change a person. As we begin this action-filled story, we find former Jedi padawan Ashoka Tano carving out a miserable existence on the remote planet Thabeska, posing as Ashla, a mechanic who works hard and doesn't ask questions. But when the empire reaches its hand to the remote Thabeska, Ahsoka fearfully runs. She finds an almost-home on Radaa, a non-exciting farming moon that seems obscure enough. Until the Imperials decide to land on the planet and take over, taking Ashoka by surprise. She is torn between revealing herself and pretending to be Ashla. She and her new family must decide whether to rebel or to watch as everything and everyone they love is destroyed. After reading this book, I don't feel like it can stand on its own. I would love to see it become a series, like some of the other Star Wars series I've read. Star Wars: Ashoka didn't lack any of the grit and harsh reality of how cruel the empire truly is, and I liked it for that. This book was a really interesting read that I recommend to all Star Wars fans!
    Over 7 years ago
  • happypug12
    happypug12liked a comment in Star Wars Ahsoka.
    Are you a Star Wars fan? If not, stop reading. If you are, continue reading. Well fellow fans, we all know what happened to Obi Wan and Yoda after order 66, but what happened to Ahsoka? In this book, Ahsoka by E. K. Johnston, you’ll find out where her location is and what happened to her. The setting takes place right after order 66 and takes place on Raada. First thing you should know is she is alive. Another thing is she’s been trying to find the crystals that make a lightsaber active and alive, but first she lands on a moon called Raada. She meets a family that will soon be torn apart. The main antagonist in the book is the empire, and the protagonist is Ahsoka. First conflict, and central theme of all Star Wars genres is, good (The Rebellion) versus evil (The Empire). The specific conflict of this book is Ahsoka and her feelings of affection for a family she meets, versus the evil empire that is searching for her. The empire finds Raada and lands there. A few weeks later the have built a base with Imperial walkers and tanks. They find out that there is a Jedi on Raada and they go savage. They tear families apart and capture citizens to force them to tell them where the Jedi is, and something very bad happens to Raada. Ahsoka must flee! Find out what happens in Ahsoka, by E. K. Johnston. I recommend this to all StarWars fans.
    Over 7 years ago
  • happypug12
    happypug12 has read this book.
    By E. K. Johnston
    Over 7 years ago
  • happypug12
    happypug12's book review was featured in The Whizz Pop Chocolate Shop.
    The Whizz Pop Chocolate shop was a gloriously chocolatey read, delivering all the delicious adventures it promises. It's unlike most books I've read, with immortal talking cats and rats, ghost elephants, and magic chocolate, but that just makes it all the more memorable. Kate Saunders did an excellent job at weaving together a believable and magic story about how two twins move into their great-great-great-great Uncle Pierre's home and get wrapped up in "government" work, only for there to be a tragic kidnapping that makes a great story about how even evil people have a soft spot in their hearts. "How kind of you to cry for me; I really don't deserve it." The only critisizement I have is that the drama in this book is blunt. For example, instead of "He leapt off the train like a cat and hit the gravel hard. His pulse wouldn't stop pounding." it would be "He jumped off the train and landed on a patch of gravel." Other than that, it was a unique book that I will think of every time I enjoy smooth, rich chocolate.
    Over 7 years ago
  • happypug12
    happypug12 added a book review.
    The Whizz Pop Chocolate shop was a gloriously chocolatey read, delivering all the delicious adventures it promises. It's unlike most books I've read, with immortal talking cats and rats, ghost elephants, and magic chocolate, but that just makes it all the more memorable. Kate Saunders did an excellent job at weaving together a believable and magic story about how two twins move into their great-great-great-great Uncle Pierre's home and get wrapped up in "government" work, only for there to be a tragic kidnapping that makes a great story about how even evil people have a soft spot in their hearts. "How kind of you to cry for me; I really don't deserve it." The only critisizement I have is that the drama in this book is blunt. For example, instead of "He leapt off the train like a cat and hit the gravel hard. His pulse wouldn't stop pounding." it would be "He jumped off the train and landed on a patch of gravel." Other than that, it was a unique book that I will think of every time I enjoy smooth, rich chocolate.
    Over 7 years ago

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