snowleapord6117's Activity (399)

  • goldeneagle
    goldeneagle has watched this movie.
    Over 8 years ago
  • goldeneagle
    goldeneagle has watched this movie.
    Over 8 years ago
  • goldeneagle
    goldeneagle added a news bookmark.
    The words teenager and patience are rarely uttered in one sentence. Adolescents are well-known for being irritable, impulsive, and craving instant gratification. According to th...
    Over 8 years ago
  • maddyrocks13
    maddyrocks13 added a book review.
    This isn't just a book. I mean, yes, of course it's a book, but it's more than that. Aside from the exciting story (which is full of plot twists and mystery) and quirky characters, Warren the 13th also features great art and little hidden puzzles within the pages. I really loved how pretty this book is, which illustrations in black, white and red and a two-column format for the text. I'd recommend this book to anyone who enjoys unique characters, graphic novels, and mysteries.
    Over 8 years ago
  • maddyrocks13
    maddyrocks13 wants to read this book.
    Over 8 years ago
  • maddyrocks13
    maddyrocks13 added a news bookmark.
    Anemia, a condition where the body is not producing enough healthy red blood cells to transport oxygen to the tissues is a common ailment. Caused by a diet that is deficientĀ in ...
    Almost 9 years ago
  • maddyrocks13
    maddyrocks13 added a news bookmark.
    Ebola has been on the public health radar for quite some time. However, the most recent epidemic, the deadliest since the disease was identified in 1976, has brought the aggress...
    Almost 9 years ago
  • maddyrocks13
    maddyrocks13 added a new comment in
    i would love to win this book. The Percy Jackson and Heroes of Olympus series have been part of my life for a really long time, and I love that this book and its companion (Greek Gods) are educational (I used the Greek Gods book as reference for an essay!) as well as fun to read with Percy's witty narration. It'd mean a lot to me to win this book.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • maddyrocks13
    maddyrocks13 added a book review.
    This book is really, really great. Something I really liked about it was that it had so many references to pop culture and how it seemed so real. Something else I really liked about this book was how its main character - and narrator - is canonically gay. I found the ending very predictable, I could tell from about 100 pages in how it was going to end, but I still enjoyed the ride there. Highly recommend if you like clever and relatable stories.
    Almost 9 years ago
  • maddyrocks13
    maddyrocks13 added a book review.
    Rainbow Rowell is one of my favorite authors of all time, and this book only further proved my love for her writing. This is indisputably a romance novel, but its also so much more. These characters are real, and they have real struggles. I think teenager could enjoy this book, regardless of what they like to read, because of how likeable the characters are. Something interesting about it, also, is that its set in the 80s, and I liked seeing how life was a little different, with out the technology we have now, but also very similar, back then.
    Almost 9 years ago

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