Kids News - Current Events

Handicapped Artist Creates Incredible Chalk Art

All of us use chalk to draw hop-scotch squares or silly smiley faces but very few know how to use it like Cong Langui, China's chalk art master. What is even more amazing...

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iPhone Cookie Hits The Spot!

For all of you who cannot get enough of Apple Inc.'s sleek products, here is a sweet one to add to your list - And we mean literally, because while it may closely resembl...

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Robot Teachers Roll Into South Korean Classrooms

A number of fortunate students at 21 elementary schools in the Southeast city of Daegu, South Korea are testing out a new kind of educator - A robot teacher. The 29 droid...

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China's Harbin Ice And Snow Festival Celebrates 27th Year

While this year's excessive cold snap is a nuisance for most people who live in the Northern Hemisphere, it is probably being welcomed with open arms by the residents of...

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Florida Man Plans To Spend Entire January Alongside Lions!

A mere roar from a wild cat is enough to send most of us scampering for cover, so you can only imagine what kind of courage it would take, to spend an entire month living...

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Five-Year Old's Christmas Gift - An App To Communicate

Think you had a good Christmas? I guarantee you it was not as good as Victor Pauca's who received something he's been wanting for years - The ability to communicate his t...

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Decoding The Secret Behind Succulent Treats

Ever wondered why some strawberries are super sweet, while others not so much or why some chocolates taste creamier than others? It's all to do with the same thing that m...

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